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November 2023

Note Global Investment Managers Outlook 2024 : Tough Investment Climate Pressures Performance

Fitch Ratings’ 2024 sector outlook for global investment managers (IMs) is deteriorating. Increased macroeconomic and geopolitical risks and an increased risk of a US government shutdown create a challenging investment climate, with declining economic growth and high interest (...)


Study reveals UK institutional investors/pension funds are increasing their focus on structured credit


CNP Assurances publishes its responsible investment report and for the first time measures the dependence of its investment portfolio on biodiversity loss


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March 2022

Note Pandemic has strengthened the sustainability and ESG focus in Islamic Finance, research shows

Islamic Finance is set to drive a growing focus on ESG and sustainability in the wider Halal economy, new research* with leading Islamic Finance professionals working across a wide range of sectors shows (please see the attached press (...)

May 2021

Note New research reveals institutional investors and wealth managers plan to switch to metal investment funds with stronger ESG credentials

New research with institutional investors and wealth managers reveals the growing demand for metal investment funds with a strong ESG focus, ensuring the metals are sustainably and ethically sourced.

April 2021

Note Issuance in Emerging Market Green Bonds to Reach $100 Billion by 2023, Amundi and IFC Find

Despite the impact of COVID-19, emerging market green bond issuance totalled $40 billion in 2020. Underpinned by supportive market fundamentals, emerging market green bond issuance is expected to reach $100 billion by 2023. Since 2012, 43 emerging markets have issued green (...)

January 2021

Note Water risk: what COVID-19 has taught us about ignoring systemic risks and what to do about it

For the past decade, WWF has been asking, “why are water crises continually ignored despite featuring on the WEF risk list year after year?” We know water crises are happening, we know the impact is substantial, and we know the risks are worsening, yet nobody is (...)

June 2020

Note Infrastructure investment to be a key driver of growth in emerging markets post COVID-19 crisis, sigma says

Emerging markets will invest an estimated 3.9% of GDP (USD 2.2 trillion annually) in infrastructure over next 20 years. There will be strong growth in investment in renewable energy, smart and resilient infrastructure. Emerging Asia will invest an estimated USD 1.7 trillion (...)

March 2020

Note Neuberger Berman adapts Sharpe’s ratio to insurance management and prudential risk measurement

This new risk indicator, based on a concept derived from the classic Sharpe ratio, integrates the already existing range of prudential risk measures into the analysis of the strategic asset allocation process and its (...)

January 2020

Note ESMA report values EU Alternative Investment Funds at €5.8 trillion

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) today published its second statistical report on European Union (EU) Alternative Investment Funds (AIF). The study found that the EU AIF sector in 2018, as measured by Net Asset Value (NAV), amounted to €5.8tn or nearly 40% (...)

November 2019

Note ESG bucks the trend of declining growth among world’s largest asset managers

The pace of change within the investment industry is accelerating, under pressure from regulatory activity, fee compression and the high cost of technology. Amidst this change, there is growing appreciation among fund managers of the importance of sustainability and of (...)

September 2019

Note Investors face increasing risks amid renewed market volatility

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities regulator, has published the second Trends, Risks and Vulnerabilities (TRV) report for 2019. The report identifies a deteriorating outlook for the asset management industry and continued very high (...)

July 2019

Note European Alternatives Industry Hits €1.62 Trillion in Assets

Preqin launches its second annual Alternatives in Europe report in partnership with Amundi, which examines the alternative assets industry’s most diverse region, and for the first time provides a breakdown of the sector in each major European (...)

July 2019

Note Sovereign Investors pivot away from Europe towards China

Invesco released its seventh Invesco Global Sovereign Asset Management Study, an annual in-depth report on the complex investment behaviour of sovereign wealth funds and central banks, which this year shows disenchantment with Europe among sovereign (...)

July 2019

Note Wealth managers need to up their game in India to mitigate HNW investors’ desire to channel wealth abroad, says GlobalData

As part of 2019 Budget, India has recently proposed to raise income tax surcharge on wealthy individuals and this is set to spur demand for offshore investments in the high-net-worth (HNW) space.

June 2019

Note BofA Merrill Lynch June Fund Manager Survey: Bears all around

Average cash balance soars to 5.6% from 4.6% for each of the last three months, marking the biggest jump in cash since the debt ceiling crisis in 2011; allocation to cash jumps 10ppt from last month to net 43% (...)

May 2019

Note Factor investing in fixed-income: EDHEC-Risk Institute paper shows that it is possible to build duration-timing strategies that are economically superior to bearing unconditional duration risk

The abundance of theoretical and empirical research on factor investing in the equity universe contrasts strongly with the relative scarcity of research on the existence and exploitability of risk premia in bond (...)

March 2019

Note ESMA report values EU Alternative Investment Funds at €4.9 trillion

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) today published its first statistical report on European Union (EU) Alternative Investment Funds (AIF). The study finds that the EU AIF sector in 2017, as measured by Net Asset Value (NAV), amounted to (...)

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Note Financial markets: Local shock but global crisis

The history of crises on financial markets and their amplification during the past 15 years cannot be understood at all if we stick to pure fundamentals. It is necessary to integrate the contagion factor among financial assets and forced selling for commercial, prudential, (...)


Note Are markets becoming more unstable?

Readers of financial news may believe that ‘market corrections’, or ‘shocks’, or ‘five-sigma events’ are more common than they used to be. Winton Capital Management look at the historical data for a number of financial markets and find that there is no evidence for increasing (...)


Note Real estate: Attempting to explain the increase in prices.

The situation appears to be a paradox. France is just coming out of a crisis but real estate prices have sharply increased during the previous months and have only slightly decreased at the height of the crisis. How can this phenomenon be (...)


Note Islamic finance : 10 proposals to attract 100 billion Euros in savings !

The rise of Islamic finance is a fundamental trend and not a fad. It is part of a considerable market representing 700 billion dollars !


Note Global dividends surge to new record in 2018, with more growth in 2019

Global dividends rose to a new record in 2018, with a strong fourth quarter for dividend payments despite more challenging equity market conditions, according to the latest Janus Henderson Global Dividend Index.


Note Infrastructure investment to be a key driver of growth in emerging markets post COVID-19 crisis, sigma says

Emerging markets will invest an estimated 3.9% of GDP (USD 2.2 trillion annually) in infrastructure over next 20 years. There will be strong growth in investment in renewable energy, smart and resilient infrastructure. Emerging Asia will invest an estimated USD 1.7 trillion (...)


Note Robos helping to save the future

Barclays hosted its fifth annual UK Savings Conference on 8th June 2016, and the key takeaway was that Robo-Advice would have a significant role to play in closing the advice gap, but is akin to the rise of internet banking in the early (...)


Note Euro zone bailout plans: origin and utilization

Back on bailout plans granted to countries in the Euro zone encountering severe fiscal deficits since May 2010. How are tens of billions Euros raised, what are they for, and mainly, are those amounts enough to re-establish the public finances and stabilize those countries (...)


Note Impact of collective influences on forecast and investment decisions

The valuation of financial assets, by financial analysts and the investment decisions of fund managers, depend on the paradigm of economic rationalisation. However, it is clear that there are uncertainties and instabilities which have characterised the financial market for (...)


Note The rumour, a necessary credit analysis instrument

According to Bruno Mathis from SterWen and Jean Delahousse, all institutions exposed on Lehman which have highly developed credit analysis tools are able to detect warning signs as soon as they come about and would have almost four months to take safety measures (CDS (...)


Note Strategic tasks of central banks: focus on the ECB

Beyond the traditional measures and in a context of systemic risk, we wonder about what specifically should be the strategic tasks of a central bank


Note Stock market shows greater reaction to forecasts by analysts with favourable surnames

Financial analysts whose surnames are perceived as favourable elicit stronger market reactions to their earnings forecasts, new research from Cass Business School has found.


Note Financial markets and self-fulfilling prophecies

This phenomenon is equivalent to the change from a brutal economic and financial equilibrium to another, not because the fundamentals of the macroeconomic environment would justify it, but because there was a change for good or bad reasons of market (...)


Note Financial crisis indicators and safe haven assets

How to measure the intensity of the current financial and economic crisis? Regular monitoring of a number of economic and financial indicators helps answering this question and better understanding the materialization of panic behavior and portfolio reallocations in the (...)


Note Multi-Asset Funds Face Investors Scrutiny on Flexibility

Fitch Ratings says in a new report that active multi-asset managers will be under pressure to demonstrate their dynamic asset allocation skills in 2015. Few flexible multi-asset funds managed to fulfil their objectives last (...)


Note EURO STOXX 50® Index implied repo trading at Eurex

This research paper focuses on the inseparable relationship between implied repo rates and equity index total return swaps. Written by Stuart Heath, Director Equity & Index R&D at Eurex, it covers the various aspects and calculations of both repo rates and the (...)


France’s debt

Outlook, strategies and investment vehicles on France’s debt

Recherche Quantitative

Recherche Quantitative : Quels sont les thèmes qui occupent dorénavant les Quants au sein des salles de marchés et des sociétés de gestion ?

Selection: Products

Kiosk Alternatives to financial markets investments

The financial investment is not limited to financial markets assets and the current uncertainties obviously feed such thoughts. Indeed, there are many investment vehicles that could create value in a portfolio.

Pedagogy Inflation linked bonds’ mechanism

Inflation linked bonds are bonds whose principal is linked to inflation which allows their holders to protected against inflation as opposed to traditional bonds.

Pedagogy Back to the future, may 2011: Nobles Crus and Earth Element Fund

Yesterday they were introduced as innovatives products. Today, How far have they got and what are the prospects for tomorrow ? Two products in the spotlight this month: Nobles Crus or the blend of passion for wine and financial investment, and a quantitative systematic (...)

Regulation Solvency II: Advantage convertible bonds

The results of QIS 5 confirmed that convertible bonds bear low capital cost. A balanced-profile convertible bond portfolio with optimized convexity therefore obtains a moderate intrinsic SCR whilst benefiting from «equity» (...)

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FR Note Les déséquilibres TARGET2, de nouveau au centre de l’attention
Read comments Update April 2023
Note Emotion is not a sign of weakness for investors any more
Read comments Update March 2021

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