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April 2023

Interview Emmanuel Brutin : “We have chosen to move towards a 100% ESG allocation”

Emmanuel Brutin, Head of Insured Portfolio Management at CNP Assurances, indicates that over the course of 2022, the insurer has repositioned itself on bond products in order to benefit from the upward trend in interest (...)


Tammie Tang and Simon Bond : “Investors in the fund are those interested in enabling positive social outcomes”


Carole Zacchéo : “The war will strengthen the interest of investors and savers for the ESG theme”


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April 2022

Interview Sabine Castellan Poquet : “To respect the ’Paris Agreements’, we will have to achieve carbon neutrality of our portfolios by 2050 at the latest”

According to Sabine Castellan Poquet, Investment Director Macif - Aema group, interest rise increase, a consequence of this resurgence of inflation, is rather positive for life insurers who are structural bond (...)

April 2022

Interview Simon Thorp : « In the Aperture Credit Opportunities fund, we use fundamental analysis as well as quantitative tools »

According to Simon Thorp, Fund Manager of the Aperture Investors SICAV - Credit Opportunities Fund (ACOF), a more inflationary environment has a direct impact on the valuation of its long positions. In such a context, he aims to reduce the duration of our (...)

February 2022

Interview Bertrand Desportes, Mazars Partner: “Impact finance is based on the pillars of intentionality, additionality and impact measurement”

According to Bertrand Desportes, Partner at Mazars, the issues surrounding impact as well as the notion of positive impact measurement quite clearly differentiate impact finance from other sustainable finance practices.

November 2021

Interview Xavier Morin: "In 2021, we are seeing a real resurgence of interest in our strategies that are weakly correlated to the equity market"

According to Xavier Morin, co-CIO and in charge of the Event Driven Equity division at Syquant Capital, dividend arbitrage is deployed in the 4 Helium equity funds. The aim of this strategy is to capture discounts on Future Dividendes SX5E while limiting market (...)

September 2021

Interview Gilles Cutaya: "All of our equity funds and 96% of our open-ended funds integrate the extra-financial criteria under Europe’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)"

CPR AM Deputy CEO Gilles Cutaya shares his convictions about a strategic choice that is ideally suited to meet the major challenges of our era.

April 2021

Interview Olivier Thébault and Mia Dassas : "Investing in a SPAC is risky"

Olivier Thébault, partner at Allen & Overy and Mia Dassas, counsel at Allen & Overy, explains how PSPCs work, their advantages and disadvantages and the strong attraction of investors for this type of vehicle (...)

March 2021

Interview Jean-Louis Charles : "We have implemented a hedging strategy for our entire equity portfolio until December 2021"

Jean-Louis Charles, Chief Investment Officer at AG2R LA MONDIALE, this strategy enabled the Group to remain calm in the first half of 2020 while remaining invested in equities. The strategy was carried out through the purchase of puts on the EuroStoxx50 (...)

February 2021

Interview Ryan Blute : “more than 90 percent of our assets managed on behalf of our European clients having outperformed their benchmark”

PIMCO sees opportunities in the French CGP market. Traditionally oriented towards institutions, the management company seems to adopt a new positioning. Ryan Blute, Head of Global Wealth Management EMEA at PIMCO explains this strategy on the French market (...)

January 2021

Interview Eric Dubos: "We are committed to holding 8% responsible investments in the bond pocket, including at least 80% in green bonds"

According to Eric Dubos, CFO and member of the MACSF COMEX, with negative rates on a good part of the yield curve, the search for yield pushes investors to extend the duration of portfolios ...

January 2021

Interview Jean-Charles Bertrand: "We favor defensive assets, such as safe-haven currencies and CTA-type hedge funds"

According to Jean-Charles Bertrand, Head of Multi Asset at HSBC Global Asset Management, institutional investors should turn to defensive assets, such as safe-haven currencies and CTA-type hedge funds, rather than opting for sovereign (...)

December 2020

Interview Bertrand Alfandari : “After launching the first ever ETF on the “low carbon” theme in 2008, we continued to expand our range by developing other ESG themes”

According to Bertrand Alfandari, Head of business development ETFs & INDEX FUNDS at BNP Paribas Asset Management, net inflows were very strong in Europe for ESG ETFs during the first nine months of 2020.

September 2020

Interview Charlotte Alliot: « Index and Futures Euronext ESG 80 allow investors to invest in the 80 best performing ESG and best energy transition score listed companies in the euro zone »

According to Charlotte Alliot, Head of Institutional Derivatives, Euronext, the index ESG 80 improves the overall ESG score by 16.1% and the energy transition score by 26.2% compared to its benchmark…

August 2020

Interview Matthieu Esposito: "We have not changed our strategic allocation with the health crisis"

According to Matthieu Esposito, Director of Investments & Treasury at La Mutuelle Générale, the investment team simply re-prioritized certain asset classes. With the markets falling, it has tactically sought to benefit from lower entry points on liquid (...)

July 2020

Interview Thierry Dissaux : “Yes, we use Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) criteria”

According to Thierry Dissaux, Chairman of the French Deposit Insurance and Resolution Fund (FGDR), for its next call for equity offers, the FGDR should select an ETF equity index excluding companies with controversial governance and those with a significant share of their (...)

June 2020

Interview Pierre Kanengieser : “I would advise finance / insurance groups to accelerate their digital transformation”

According to Pierre Kanengieser, Head of Finance & Insurance Industry at Facebook France, the only ambition of the social network is to connect the maximum number of people with each other in the world and not to compete with banks and (...)

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Interview Philippe Mills : « This year, half of the net buyers of French debt come from Asia and the Middle East »

What is the role of the French Treasury Agency (AFT)? Who holds the French debt? How are OAT and BTF issues conducted? Philip Mills, CEO of the French Treasury Agency answers Next Finance questions...


Interview Simon Thorp : « In the Aperture Credit Opportunities fund, we use fundamental analysis as well as quantitative tools »

According to Simon Thorp, Fund Manager of the Aperture Investors SICAV - Credit Opportunities Fund (ACOF), a more inflationary environment has a direct impact on the valuation of its long positions. In such a context, he aims to reduce the duration of our (...)


Interview Bertrand Desportes, Mazars Partner: “Impact finance is based on the pillars of intentionality, additionality and impact measurement”

According to Bertrand Desportes, Partner at Mazars, the issues surrounding impact as well as the notion of positive impact measurement quite clearly differentiate impact finance from other sustainable finance practices.


Interview George Szemere : "Our investment process leads us to include 25-40 different risk premia in the portfolio"

According to George Szemere, Head of Global Strategic Relations & Liquid Alternatives, Columbia Threadneedle, there is a growing understanding that extracting returns from a traditional asset-allocation mix is going to be (...)


Interview Sabine Castellan Poquet : “To respect the ’Paris Agreements’, we will have to achieve carbon neutrality of our portfolios by 2050 at the latest”

According to Sabine Castellan Poquet, Investment Director Macif - Aema group, interest rise increase, a consequence of this resurgence of inflation, is rather positive for life insurers who are structural bond (...)


Interview Aymeric Poizot : « The best multi-asset funds managers are often those who developed a fundamental allocation in the bond market or used quantitative models as tools for decision support»

According to Aymeric Poizot, Head of EMEA Fund & Asset Manager Rating Group at Fitch, multi-asset funds remain relevant in the current context, whether for an institutional investor or a private investor…


Interview Malik Haddouk : « In fixed income we are focusing in the short term on exposure to long maturities »

In fixed income, Malik Haddouk, Head of Balanced Management at CPR Asset Management and his team are focusing in the short term on exposure to long maturities (> 10 years), which are likely to get a boost from quantitative easing and weak (...)


Interview Jean-Philippe Médecin : « The CNP’s subordinated green bond issue was a great success »

CNP Assurances has successfully launched its first subordinated green bond issuance. Jean-Philippe Médecin, the director of the prop trading and financing department at CNP Assurances, gave us more details.


Interview Michèle Lacroix : “SCOR has strengthened its teams to invest more heavily in bank loans”

According to Michèle Lacroix, Head of Group Investment Office at SCOR, for several years, equity exposure has been strongly reduced in the group investment portfolio in contrast to its bank loan exposure...


Interview Antoine Prudent : « InPact Advisory is currently conducting a mission for 5 large Swiss institutional investors willing to invest in an Alternative Risk Premia strategy »

According to Antoine Prudent, founding partner of InPact Advisory, the advantage of Risk Premia products is also to reduce costs compared to the usual pricing for alternative products…


Interview Thierry Dissaux : “Yes, we use Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) criteria”

According to Thierry Dissaux, Chairman of the French Deposit Insurance and Resolution Fund (FGDR), for its next call for equity offers, the FGDR should select an ETF equity index excluding companies with controversial governance and those with a significant share of their (...)


Interview Cyril Regnat: « Several institutional investors continue to buy French Treasury Bills»

French bonds Bubble, management strategy of the French Treasury Agency, inflation risk for long-term bondholders, Cyril Regnat, interest rate strategist at Natixis answers to Next Finance questions ...


Interview Jean-Louis Charles : "We have implemented a hedging strategy for our entire equity portfolio until December 2021"

Jean-Louis Charles, Chief Investment Officer at AG2R LA MONDIALE, this strategy enabled the Group to remain calm in the first half of 2020 while remaining invested in equities. The strategy was carried out through the purchase of puts on the EuroStoxx50 (...)


Interview The Rise of TRFs – How Funds Use Them to Generate Alpha

Hedge funds and traditional institutional investors are increasingly turning to total return futures (TRFs) to get exposure to the repo market related to an underlying index such as the EURO STOXX 50® Index. Antoine Deix, Senior Equity Derivatives Strategist at BNP Paribas, (...)


Interview Bruno Crastes : « Our models are still based on an enhanced version of the Black-Litterman model »

Former star managers of Amundi, Bruno Castres and Vincent Chailley have created H2O Asset Management, a London-based alternative management company. In an interview with Next-Finance, Bruno Castres unveils the firm’s objectives and (...)


Interview Isabelle Bourcier : “Our ambitions is to grow in Smart Beta and SRI ETFs”

Evolution of the ETF market, impact of the regulations, ongoing development at BNP Paribas Asset Management...Isabelle Bourcier, Head of quantitative and index management at BNP Paribas Asset Management shares its view with (...)

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FR Interview Christian Carrega : « Dans le cas du contrat d’assurance Préfon-Retraite, les décisions d’investissements respectent un filtre ISR »
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