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September 2023

Strategy Revisiting bonds for multi-asset

The last decade has seen a growth bias among financial assets, one that has become entrenched in equity indices. At the same time, bonds seemingly shed much of their protective qualities, offering investors very little by way of (...)


Focus on quality for success in equities


Reducing portfolio volatility top priority for european pension funds, new research from alpha real capital reveals


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April 2022

Strategy The index revolution (finally) comes to hedge funds

One common knock on factor models is that they “replicate only beta” – not the pure alpha gold that allocators seek. This critique pre-dates the appreciation of factor rotations. Outside of some ivory tower statistics class, no one questions the “alpha” generated by, for (...)

February 2022

Strategy We have reduced our equity exposure through option strategies

Samir Saadi, Multi-Asset Portfolio Manager of CPR AM explains that he started the year heavily invested in equities to capture the good momentum of this beginning of the year. Convinced that the year would be special, CPR AM introduced optional hedging (...)

November 2021

Strategy Deforestation: engaging to preserve the world’s “carbon sink”

NN Investment Partners (NN IP) has signed the financial sector commitment letter on eliminating commodity-driven deforestation. The letter commits us to making best efforts to eliminate forest-risk agricultural commodity-driven deforestation activities at the companies in (...)

October 2021

Strategy How are hedge funds positioning after the market correction?

L/S Equity managers have decently navigated these markets, generating small positive alpha (especially on their short positions) but their implicit stance is diverging across regions. U.S. managers detracted only marginal alpha. They maintained their modest overall exposures (...)

August 2021

Strategy L/S China through regulatory and business upheaval

Trading conditions in China have severely deteriorated. After reaching their peak by mid-February, stocks lost earlier gains in March, on evidence of a plateauing economy and as stretched investors’ positioning unwounded. Chinese markets were then stuck in a volatile trading (...)

July 2021

Strategy Investing in growth stocks

For an investor, investing in growth stocks can be a particularly wise choice over the long term. But it can also be a useful tactic within a portfolio diversification strategy, particularly if the companies adhere to certain ethical criteria. This responsible investment (...)

June 2021

Strategy Mega Mergers to keep fueling Risk Arbitrage

With risk assets back to record highs, markets are currently looking for the next catalyst that would push equities higher. But with the Fed potentially signaling a looming reduction in asset purchases at the next FOMC meeting on June 16, it seems wise to remove some risk (...)

May 2021

Strategy Impact investing: Think long term, act now

ESG compliance or financial performance? While this may have been a choice in the past, today the point is obsolete. By recognizing the impact of our investments, we have taken an important step forward as we seek to reconcile responsibility and returns, and strike a balance (...)

May 2021

Strategy CTAs add value in the new correlation regime

With bond yields facing upward pressures as the global economy heats up, finding diversification across traditional asset classes has been increasingly difficult. Equity valuations, which were propelled by low interest rates in the past decade, are vulnerable in the face of (...)

May 2021

Strategy Japan Could Win a Medal in the Recovery Race

A strong manufacturing base and changing attitudes toward shareholder value could mean the world’s capital heads to Japan, even if the world’s sports fans cannot. The analysis of Erik L. Knutzen, CFA, CAIA, Chief Investment Officer—Multi-Asset Class, Neuberger (...)

May 2021

Strategy Are L/S Equity Managers playing the European Recovery?

Economic prospects in Europe are noticeably improving. The new wave of virus infections since late fall 2020 led to tighter mobility restrictions, which delayed the European recovery. High frequency indicators suggest economic activity was down around 20% from normal over (...)

May 2021

Strategy Event-Driven stays alluring despite the SPAC slowdown

Event-Driven strategies saw exciting developments in recent quarters, in a context where global M&A volumes saw the strongest start to the year ever. Global M&A volumes, close to USD 1.5 trillion year-to-date, were fueled by a flurry of U.S. acquisitions and Special (...)

April 2021

Strategy Value, Momentum and the Outlook for Market Neutral L/S

Momentum stocks experienced a correction since Pfizer announced their Covid-19 vaccine results early November. Performance has nonetheless stabilized over the course of March, as the rebound in Value stocks has been persistent and started to be shown in the Momentum risk (...)

March 2021

Strategy CTAs Rally despite dreadful momentum in Equity Markets

With investors questioning the sustainability of equity valuations in a context of rising bonds yields, a Momentum reversal in equities is taking shape. Defensive sectors, and more recently Technology stocks, faced downward pressures while Financials and Energy (...)

February 2021

Strategy Market neutral l/sto remain under pressure

In recent months, Market Neutral L/S strategies underperformed other hedge fund strategies, in a context where risk assets rallied following the Pfizer vaccine announcement in November 2020. While the strategy is not designed to capture the equity market beta, the alpha (...)

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Strategy How does ‘quantamental’ fit with factor investing?

‘Quantamental’ is a relatively new portmanteau word in asset management lingo. Its creation is indicative of a trend in our industry. Quantamental is the fruit of the marriage of the quantitative and fundamental (also known as judgmental) disciplines in managing (...)


Strategy The index revolution (finally) comes to hedge funds

One common knock on factor models is that they “replicate only beta” – not the pure alpha gold that allocators seek. This critique pre-dates the appreciation of factor rotations. Outside of some ivory tower statistics class, no one questions the “alpha” generated by, for (...)


Strategy Targeting positive returns in an uncertain climate

A decade after the financial crisis, the uncertain economic conditions it ushered in are starving Europe’s investors of returns. We believe this makes our approach to long/short equity investing more valuable than (...)


Strategy How are hedge funds positioning after the market correction?

L/S Equity managers have decently navigated these markets, generating small positive alpha (especially on their short positions) but their implicit stance is diverging across regions. U.S. managers detracted only marginal alpha. They maintained their modest overall exposures (...)


Strategy Forex, a value added in an allocation between real and financial assets

The foreign exchange market (Forex) is not an extra asset class but all asset classes together in the same market. It can be a real source of diversification and performance subject to a systematic, disciplined and rigorous (...)


Strategy Are investors too confident?

With stock markets close to all-time highs at a time of very elevated economic uncertainty, the question arises if investors have become too confident. Today’s chart from The Yale School of Management Stock Market Confidence Indexes reveals how probable U.S. individual and (...)


Strategy Buy in may and go away

According to Mandarine Gestion, current valuation levels in the banking sector constitute opportunities rarely seen over a medium-term horizon. However, over the short term, investors are preferring to focus on two factors while at the same time exaggerating in our view (...)


Strategy Are L/S Equity Managers playing the European Recovery?

Economic prospects in Europe are noticeably improving. The new wave of virus infections since late fall 2020 led to tighter mobility restrictions, which delayed the European recovery. High frequency indicators suggest economic activity was down around 20% from normal over (...)


Strategy An alternative to traditional Euro Credit Management: a Smart Beta Credit approach incorporating ESG criteria

To achieve long-term returns comparable to those of investment-grade credit but with a consistently lower level of risk, CPR AM has chosen to combine the DTS risk measure with a rigorous specific risk control and structural sources of return to enhance (...)


Strategy Does a liquidity factor premium exist in the stock market?

Academic studies present ample evidence in support of the existence of four factor premiums in stock markets: Low Risk, Value, Momentum, and Quality. Factor investing puts these concepts into practice by enabling investors to allocate their capital explicitly to these (...)


Strategy Low volatility, the hidden factor

Robert Haugen, who discovered the low-volatility anomaly in 1972, wrote numerous articles and books to try to popularise what he called the ‘hidden factor’. To some extent, it was only the advent of smart beta investment strategies that turned his dream into reality, as low (...)


Strategy Bond market: Investment opportunities on yield curves

Anticipations on future monetary policy and risk aversion linked to systemic threats create investment opportunities on the yield curves of US and Euro bonds. However, those opportunities cannot be seized before two fundamental questions have been (...)


Strategy How Smart is ‘Smart Beta’ Investing?

Investors increasingly embrace “smart beta” investing, by which we mean passively following an index in which stock weights are not proportional to their market capitalizations, but based on some alternative weighting scheme. Examples include fundamentally-weighted indices (...)


Strategy We have reduced our equity exposure through option strategies

Samir Saadi, Multi-Asset Portfolio Manager of CPR AM explains that he started the year heavily invested in equities to capture the good momentum of this beginning of the year. Convinced that the year would be special, CPR AM introduced optional hedging (...)


Strategy CTAs add value in the new correlation regime

With bond yields facing upward pressures as the global economy heats up, finding diversification across traditional asset classes has been increasingly difficult. Equity valuations, which were propelled by low interest rates in the past decade, are vulnerable in the face of (...)


Strategy CPR AM has recently launched CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities | A look back at an accelerating phenomenon: disruption

The recently theorised phenomenon of "disruption" is defined as a process whereby a product, a service or a solution disrupts the rules on an already established market. Technological progress, along with the globalisation of trade and demographic changes are now helping to (...)


Hidden assets

Learn about hidden assets (volatility, correlation,...) and related strategies

Multi-asset funds

Special Focus on Multi-asset funds: Prevent structural asset allocation biases to improve responsiveness, Allocation strategy for 2017, Multi-Asset Funds Face Investors Scrutiny on Flexibility…

Smart Beta

Special focus on Smart Beta & Factor Investing : Beta positionning and outlook within current asset management framework | Risk factor investing | Factors Value, Momentum, Low Volatility, Quality | Smart Beta and Low Carbon | Smart Beta and (...)

Strategies on dividend derivatives

Dividends : New strategies - Analysis, investment perspectives and strategies on dividend derivatives....

Alternative Risk Premia

Alternative Risk Premia: Alternative Risk Premia strategies | Using Risk Premia for a true diversified portfolio | Investors Increase Pressure on Hedge Funds to Lower Fees | Combining différent styles for risk premia (...)


Infrastructure : A Growing asset class | The role of pension funds | Energy infrastructure | The MLP example | Accessing the US Energy Infrastructure with MLP ETFs....


China : Invest in domestic chinese stocks with ETFS-E Fund MSCI China A GO UCITS | Chinese domestic equities could benefit from more economic stimulus| Li Kequiang’s Chinese growth indicator …

Gestion Obligataire

Gestion Obligataire : Quelle allocation d’actifs obligataires ? | Rallonger la maturité des investissements | La recherche de rendement, un exercice de plus en plus difficile | Investir en volatilité sur les obligations américaines | Déclin de la liquidité du crédit | Rendements (...)

Gestion Action

Gestion Action – Comment investir dans les actions thématiques ? Small Caps, Growth, Value, Momentum, High Dividend, Equity Europe Income Defensive... Quel style de gestion pour quel rendement/risque ? La bulle sur les stratégies à faible volatilité est-elle en train d’éclater (...)

ETF Actions américaines

Actions américaines : comment investir à ce stade du cycle ? Avec une collecte record de 16 milliards d’euros à fin août, soit 70% de la collecte totale du marché des ETF européens, les actions américaines dominent largement les flux ETF depuis le début de (...)

Actions Thématiques - Special Disruption

Actions Thématiques - Special Disruption - La pandémie du Covid 19, accélérateur de la disruption sur le long terme : En quelques semaines, l’innovation s’est accélérée, les taux d’adoption à de nouveaux usages ont explosé : télémédecine, apprentissage à distance, loisirs confinés… (...)

Special Investissement Responsable

Special Investissement Responsable - A quoi correspond le S de ESG ? Qu’est-ce que l’Investissement Responsable ? Qu’est-ce que l’Impact Investing ? Quelle action aurais-je en tant qu’investisseur ?

Économie bleue : comment l’environnement marin peut être source de développement économique responsable

Économie bleue : comment l’environnement marin peut être source de développement économique responsable - Les entreprises sont de plus en plus conscientes de son potentiel et y consacrent progressivement davantage de ressources dans leur activité. Les investisseurs peuvent donc (...)

Les thématiques ESG à l’honneur

Les thématiques ESG à l’honneur | Zoom sur l’indice Low Carbon 100 Europe PAB®.| L’économie bleue | Quand l’immobilier coté s’intéresse à la performance environnementale | La thématique des infrastructures à la lumière de l’investissement (...)


Rapports annuels d’impact - CPR AM est engagé depuis plus de quatre ans dans la construction d’une offre de gestion 100 % responsable et a développé une gamme de solutions dont l’objectif est d’avoir un impact concret et mesurable. Retrouvez les rapports annuels d’impact des (...)


Hydrogène, futur moteur de la révolution verte - Une source d’énergie qui ne rejetterait aucun gaz à effet de serre. Qui offrirait aux voitures une autonomie de plus de 700 km et qui pourrait faire voler des avions. Ce sont les promesses, difficiles à ignorer, de (...)

La voie vers l’économie circulaire passe par la volonté politique

La voie vers l’économie circulaire passe par la volonté politique - La transition vers une économie circulaire devrait avoir d’énormes retombées positives sur l’environnement, à commencer par la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, le ralentissement de l’utilisation des (...)

Comment les investisseurs peuvent-ils contribuer à relever le défi de la biodiversité ?

Comment les investisseurs peuvent-ils contribuer à relever le défi de la biodiversité ? La biodiversité est menacée par les activités humaines telles que la production industrielle, l’exploitation forestière, l’agriculture et l’exploitation minière. Ces activités ont des effets (...)

Assurer l’avenir de l’économie bleue

Assurer l’avenir de l’économie bleue Si notre planète est essentiellement bleue, c’est pour une bonne raison : elle regorge d’eau. Les océans foisonnent de ressources et constituent également un enjeu essentiel dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. La protection des océans (...)


l’actualité et les stratégies sur le marché du change

Last commented articles

FR Stratégie Démonstration mathématique des raisons pour lesquelles les titres de croissance battent les titres "value"
Read comments Update October 2020
Strategy Targeting positive returns in an uncertain climate
Read comments Update May 2019
FR Stratégie L’intérêt d’une exposition dynamique aux obligations
Read comments Update February 2019
FR Stratégie Les « actions protégées », une stratégie séduisante à calibrer sur-mesure
Read comments Update July 2017

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