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November 2023

Note Global Investment Managers Outlook 2024 : Tough Investment Climate Pressures Performance

Fitch Ratings’ 2024 sector outlook for global investment managers (IMs) is deteriorating. Increased macroeconomic and geopolitical risks and an increased risk of a US government shutdown create a challenging investment climate, with declining economic growth and high interest (...)


Study reveals UK institutional investors/pension funds are increasing their focus on structured credit


CNP Assurances publishes its responsible investment report and for the first time measures the dependence of its investment portfolio on biodiversity loss


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July 2014

Note BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey Finds Investors Positioning Aggressively for Recovery in H2

Global investors have regained a strongly bullish stance on the outlook for equity markets in the second half of 2014, according to the BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey for July.

July 2014

Note BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey Finds Investors Regaining Risk Appetite

Global investors have regained appetite for risk against the backdrop of strong liquidity and a fairly positive economic outlook, according to the BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey for June.

June 2014

Note EDHEC-Risk Institute study shows that it is possible to construct improved forms of risk parity strategies

In a new study entitled “Towards Conditional Risk Parity – Improving Risk Budgeting Techniques in Changing Economic Environments”, drawn from the Lyxor research chair on “Risk Allocation Solutions,” EDHEC-Risk Institute develops a conditional approach to risk (...)

June 2014

Note Without proper benchmarks, infrastructure investments will be stunted

In a new position paper, EDHEC-Risk Institute argues that benchmarking long-term infrastructure investments has become a sine qua non to match the supply and demand of long-term capital, improve asset allocation outcomes for investors, adapt prudential regulation and support (...)

May 2014

Note BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey Finds Investors Doubting Strength of Recovery as Cash Levels Rise Again

Global investors have increased cash and scaled back risk-taking, amid fears of geopolitical instability and questions about the strength of the global economic recovery, according to the BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey for (...)

April 2014

Note EDHEC-Risk Institute study shows that progress remains to be made in risk management for pension funds

The survey finds that LDI is popular, but in concrete terms the fund separation approach, which is consistent with the LDI paradigm, is not yet sufficiently widely applied to manage the LDI approach optimally, especially in southern European (...)

April 2014

Note BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey Finds Continued Growth Optimism for 2014 Even With Higher Rates

Investor confidence in global economic growth remains high even as expectations of higher short-term rates increase, according to the BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey for April.

April 2014

Note EDHEC-Risk Institute survey documents unmet institutional investor requirements for transparency of indices

Between August and November 2013, EDHEC-Risk Institute surveyed 109 institutional investors from across Europe, including Europe’s largest pension and reserve funds, insurance and provident institutions and their asset management subsidiaries, to document their expectations (...)

March 2014

Note EDHEC-Risk’s annual European ETF Survey highlights ETF investors’ positive outlook

EDHEC-Risk Institute has announced the results of the EDHEC European ETF Survey 2013, a comprehensive survey of 207 European ETF investors. The survey was conducted as part of the Amundi ETF & Indexing research chair at EDHEC-Risk Institute on “Core-Satellite and ETF (...)

March 2014

Note BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey Finds Investors Moving Toward a “Risk-off” Position Amid Geopolitical Unrest

Global investors are moving toward a ”risk off” stance, taking on greater protection as the prospect of geopolitical instability grows, according to the BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey for March.

March 2014

Note Fund managers optimistic about 2014

Although expectations for government bond yields continue to be near historic lows and concerns about low growth persist

February 2014

Note Fitch: EU Asset Managers to Rationalise but M&A Spree Unlikely

European asset managers are set to rationalise further, but a widespread M&A spree is unlikely, Fitch Ratings says. Most managers may opt for less intrusive strategies, such as a reduction in the number of funds and cost-cutting, to tackle margin pressure in a fragmented (...)

February 2014

Note Global pension fund assets hit record high in 2013

Global institutional pension fund assets in the 13 major markets grew by 9.5% during 2013 (compared to 6.9% in 2012) to reach a new high of almost US$32 trillion, according to Towers Watson’s Global Pension Assets Study released (...)

November 2013

Note Agriculture and forestry: window-dressing in the EU ETS

The EU ETS’ stock image shows a huge industrial plant that emits a large amount of greenhouse gas, and gives the impression of an allowance market that does not concern so-called “diffuse” sectors like agriculture and forestry. Like any stock image, it is broadly accurate (...)

November 2013

Note Bank Credit Quality & European MMF Regulations Concern Treasurers

European corporate treasurers are concerned by decreasing bank credit quality, global banking and European money market fund (MMF) regulation, according to a live survey of 90 delegates at Fitch Ratings’ third annual cash management conference in London last (...)

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Note Euro zone bailout plans: origin and utilization

Back on bailout plans granted to countries in the Euro zone encountering severe fiscal deficits since May 2010. How are tens of billions Euros raised, what are they for, and mainly, are those amounts enough to re-establish the public finances and stabilize those countries (...)


Note Smart Beta 2.0 – Taking the risks of new equity benchmarks into account

In research published two weeks ago entitled, “Smart Beta 2.0,” EDHEC-Risk Institute is seeking to draw the attention of investors to the risks of traditional smart beta equity indices and propose a new approach to smart beta investing to take account of these (...)


Note Financial markets: Local shock but global crisis

The history of crises on financial markets and their amplification during the past 15 years cannot be understood at all if we stick to pure fundamentals. It is necessary to integrate the contagion factor among financial assets and forced selling for commercial, prudential, (...)


Note Are markets becoming more unstable?

Readers of financial news may believe that ‘market corrections’, or ‘shocks’, or ‘five-sigma events’ are more common than they used to be. Winton Capital Management look at the historical data for a number of financial markets and find that there is no evidence for increasing (...)


Note Usefulness and competence of rating agencies

This is not electoral populism to only criticize rating agencies, rather than question their economic utility and try to ask questions about their actual skills, in other words their ability to analyze the creditworthiness of issuers they (...)


Note Scenarios for Public Sector Debt

The evolution of public sector debt depends on a number of economic variables and how they interact. Within the Eurozone, German and French debt looks sustainable while Italy, Portugal and Ireland appear borderline.


Note Sorting out the Greek issue

The aim of this short article is to set the ideas straight regarding the Greek situation. Several issues are considered, the first of which being that of economic growth. If the latter does not make any progress, it will be very difficult to reach public finance stability. (...)


Note Infrastructure investment to be a key driver of growth in emerging markets post COVID-19 crisis, sigma says

Emerging markets will invest an estimated 3.9% of GDP (USD 2.2 trillion annually) in infrastructure over next 20 years. There will be strong growth in investment in renewable energy, smart and resilient infrastructure. Emerging Asia will invest an estimated USD 1.7 trillion (...)


Note Strategic tasks of central banks: focus on the ECB

Beyond the traditional measures and in a context of systemic risk, we wonder about what specifically should be the strategic tasks of a central bank


Note The true nature of the derivative contract on French debt

The multiplication of misinterpretations related to the launch of the derivative contract on French debt leads to an apolitical analysis produced by a market professional to avoid amalgam and populism: This is a simple and useful contract, which was traded in the past in (...)


Note From the Dutch Tulips Mania to the panic of 2008...

Behavioural finance attempts to study and explain the economic behaviour of individuals participating on the market, as well as their irrational character.


Note Private Capital Fund Managers Raise Fee Rates in 2017

The 2017 Preqin Private Capital Fund Terms Advisor finds that several private capital fund types are raising their average management fees among funds of more recent vintages. Unlisted infrastructure funds have seen mean management fees rise marginally from lows of 1.38% for (...)


Note BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey Finds Investors Positioning Aggressively for Recovery in H2

Global investors have regained a strongly bullish stance on the outlook for equity markets in the second half of 2014, according to the BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey for July.


Note Challenges for Europe’s banks

Even in the seemingly unlikely case that a comprehensive solution to the sovereign crisis is found, the changed regulatory backdrop is a major challenge for the banks, and probably for the economy as a whole.


Note Assessment of the true risks of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

According to EDHEC-Risk Institute, any discussion of the risks inherent in ETFs should go beyond merely hypothesising about potential risks, and should also take into account the empirical evidence provided by the existing academic research on (...)


Note EURO STOXX 50® Index implied repo trading at Eurex

This research paper focuses on the inseparable relationship between implied repo rates and equity index total return swaps. Written by Stuart Heath, Director Equity & Index R&D at Eurex, it covers the various aspects and calculations of both repo rates and the (...)


France’s debt

Outlook, strategies and investment vehicles on France’s debt

Recherche Quantitative

Recherche Quantitative : Quels sont les thèmes qui occupent dorénavant les Quants au sein des salles de marchés et des sociétés de gestion ?

Selection: Products

Kiosk Alternatives to financial markets investments

The financial investment is not limited to financial markets assets and the current uncertainties obviously feed such thoughts. Indeed, there are many investment vehicles that could create value in a portfolio.

Pedagogy Inflation linked bonds’ mechanism

Inflation linked bonds are bonds whose principal is linked to inflation which allows their holders to protected against inflation as opposed to traditional bonds.

Pedagogy Back to the future, may 2011: Nobles Crus and Earth Element Fund

Yesterday they were introduced as innovatives products. Today, How far have they got and what are the prospects for tomorrow ? Two products in the spotlight this month: Nobles Crus or the blend of passion for wine and financial investment, and a quantitative systematic (...)

Regulation Solvency II: Advantage convertible bonds

The results of QIS 5 confirmed that convertible bonds bear low capital cost. A balanced-profile convertible bond portfolio with optimized convexity therefore obtains a moderate intrinsic SCR whilst benefiting from «equity» (...)

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FR Note Les déséquilibres TARGET2, de nouveau au centre de l’attention
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Note Emotion is not a sign of weakness for investors any more
Read comments Update March 2021

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