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April 2012

Reading The impostors of the economy

Whereas an unprecedented economic crisis has been shaking the world since 2007, the role of economists in this debacle and their inability to anticipate events has never been put into question with this being especially true in France. This is what Laurent Maduit believes in (...)


Exit the Euro ? A dangerous idea


An Economic Approach to Marriage


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August 2010

Reading Finance : the new paradigm

In his latest book, Philippe Herlin, in light of the crisis and following the work of Mandelbrot and Taleb, presents the agenda the question of the reliability of the classical models used in finance.

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Reading Finance : the new paradigm

In his latest book, Philippe Herlin, in light of the crisis and following the work of Mandelbrot and Taleb, presents the agenda the question of the reliability of the classical models used in finance.


Reading A fractal view of the markets, Benoit Mandelbrot

In an uncompromising book, Benoit Mandelbrot, French graduate from Ecole Polytechnique, denounces the inconsistency of the orthodox theory of finance and presents his fractal vision of the markets

Selection: Working Papers

Note The possible misdiagnosis of a crisis

According to a publication of Prof. Richard Roll in the Financial Analyst Journal, most explanations of the 2007–08 financial crisis are inconsistent with elementary principles of finance. The article explains the inconsistencies and suggests an alternative diagnosis that is (...)

Interview  Gideon Ozik «funds with extensive media-coverage tend to underperform»

According to a recent research paper released by Gideon Ozik & Ronnie Sadka, US Hedge funds tend to underperform following extensive media coverage

Interview  Nassim Taleb « portfolio theory: it’s a bit what astrology was to our ancestors »

Empirica LLC founder and author of best seller Fooled by Randomness, Nassim Taleb, answered the questions of Next-finance in an exclusive interview.

Interview  Olivier Godechot: «Trader bonuses cannot be justified in any way!»

During several years, Olivier Godechot has carried out a detailed research on pay packages in finance by analyzing budgets allocated to bonuses and salaries on trading floors. His task was completed by several witness (...)

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