John Paulson’s hedge funds has generated more than $32bn in net profits since inception

John Paulson is catching up with George Soros whose Quantum Endowment Fund has generated more than $35bn for clients since inception

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With customers netting $32.2bn since he set up Paulson & co in 1994, John Paulson is poised to become the hedge fund manager who made most money for investors. He is closing in on George Soros’ Quantum Endowment Fund and its $35bn made for clients. And most importantly, the rapidity with which he has generated so many benefits is impressive. In barely 16, he made almost as much as George Soros in 37 years!

Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Pure Alpha fund, launched in 1975, ranks third with $ 22 billion of net earnings.

After an excellent 2010, and 13% net return, Seth Klarman founder of Baupost Group ranks fourth with net gains of $ 15.6 billion since inception

Klarman is followed by David Tepper of Appaloosa, which generated $ 14.5 billion in profits. In 2010 his fund Palomino posted a return of 27.7 percent. David Tepper gets ahead of Caxton’s Bruce Kovner and its $13.1 billion.

Brevan Howard, who has posted a meager 0.7 percent return in 2010, ranks 8th with $ 12.5 billion generated since the launch of Brevan Howard Asset Management.

Next Finance , March 2011

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