
Single Strategy

Strategy, September 2023
Revisiting bonds for multi-asset
The last decade has seen a growth bias among financial assets, one that has become entrenched in equity indices. At the same time, bonds seemingly shed much of their protective qualities, offering investors very little by way of (...)
Strategy, December 2022
Focus on quality for success in equities
Investors should not expect everything to go ‘back to normal’ in 2023, says Melda Mergen, Global Head of Equities, Columbia Threadneedle Investments. Higher inflation and a weaker economic environment will mean not all companies will (...)
Strategy, April 2022
The index revolution (finally) comes to hedge funds
One common knock on factor models is that they “replicate only beta” – not the pure alpha gold that allocators seek. This critique pre-dates the appreciation of factor rotations. Outside of some ivory tower statistics class, no one questions the “alpha” generated by, for (...)
Strategy, February 2022
We have reduced our equity exposure through option strategies
Samir Saadi, Multi-Asset Portfolio Manager of CPR AM explains that he started the year heavily invested in equities to capture the good momentum of this beginning of the year. Convinced that the year would be special, CPR AM introduced optional hedging (...)
Opinion, November 2021
Are L/S Equity managers concerned by the covid resurgence?
Managers in the U.S. and Europe are continuing to reduce both their net and gross exposures, now converging near their long-term lows. They are selectively selling or shorting stocks that are the most exposed to tighter restrictions, preferring value stocks instead (to (...)


Innovation, May 2016
GAM launches next generation of multi asset solutions with target return range
The GAM Star Target Return Fund and GAM Star Target Return Plus Fund aim to deliver consistent returns of Libor +3% and +5% per annum, respectively, without significant equity, duration or credit risk.
Interview , December 2012
François Lhabitant : «We have received dozens of proposals but only one long / short manager passed our selection ! »
Established in 2001, Kedge Capital manages the assets of the Bertarelli family. The company invests successfully nearly $ 6 billion in hedge funds, for a net return of 6.7% annually since its inception...
Strategy, November 2011
Systematic managers call into question the status of core European sovereign debt as a risk-free asset
Global Macro managers explicitly follow defensive strategies: short exposure to equities (around -20%) and long exposure to the US sovereign debt. On their side, CTAs managers are more aggressive...
Strategy, November 2011
Jean-Louis Nakamura and Jérôme Teiletche : «risk-parity portfolios provide real diversification »
According to Jean-Louis Nakamura, CIO Asset Allocation and Jerome Teiletche, Head of Systematic Strategies and Alternative Portfolio Construction at Lombard Odier, the Risk parity approach is a growing interest to pension funds (...)
Strategy, October 2011
Management of hedge fund portfolios during crisis periods: the contribution of systematic overlays
The implementation of systematic overlays can be considered as an alternative to short-term rebalancing of hedge fund portfolios, or as an active component of alternative allocations.
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