Alternative Investment


January 15

News Schroders launches first luxembourg ELTIF 2.0 fund in France

The asset management company, Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A. launched “Schroders Capital – Private Equity ELTIF 2023”, its first Luxembourg ELTIF 2.0 Private Equity fund distributed in France and internationally.


Amundi and Sand Grove Capital launch event driven UCITS fund


The index revolution (finally) comes to hedge funds


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November 2021

Opinion Are L/S Equity managers concerned by the covid resurgence?

Managers in the U.S. and Europe are continuing to reduce both their net and gross exposures, now converging near their long-term lows. They are selectively selling or shorting stocks that are the most exposed to tighter restrictions, preferring value stocks instead (to (...)

November 2021

Interview Xavier Morin: "In 2021, we are seeing a real resurgence of interest in our strategies that are weakly correlated to the equity market"

According to Xavier Morin, co-CIO and in charge of the Event Driven Equity division at Syquant Capital, dividend arbitrage is deployed in the 4 Helium equity funds. The aim of this strategy is to capture discounts on Future Dividendes SX5E while limiting market (...)

November 2021

Opinion Bond Pain trade for global macro

Gyrations in U.S. rates were highly challenging to navigate. Bond volatility surged in October as the Fed prepared to withdraw monetary accommodation and as investors struggled to assess the medium-term path of (...)

October 2021

Strategy How are hedge funds positioning after the market correction?

L/S Equity managers have decently navigated these markets, generating small positive alpha (especially on their short positions) but their implicit stance is diverging across regions. U.S. managers detracted only marginal alpha. They maintained their modest overall exposures (...)

August 2021

Strategy L/S China through regulatory and business upheaval

Trading conditions in China have severely deteriorated. After reaching their peak by mid-February, stocks lost earlier gains in March, on evidence of a plateauing economy and as stretched investors’ positioning unwounded. Chinese markets were then stuck in a volatile trading (...)

June 2021

Strategy Mega Mergers to keep fueling Risk Arbitrage

With risk assets back to record highs, markets are currently looking for the next catalyst that would push equities higher. But with the Fed potentially signaling a looming reduction in asset purchases at the next FOMC meeting on June 16, it seems wise to remove some risk (...)

May 2021

Strategy CTAs add value in the new correlation regime

With bond yields facing upward pressures as the global economy heats up, finding diversification across traditional asset classes has been increasingly difficult. Equity valuations, which were propelled by low interest rates in the past decade, are vulnerable in the face of (...)

May 2021

Strategy Are L/S Equity Managers playing the European Recovery?

Economic prospects in Europe are noticeably improving. The new wave of virus infections since late fall 2020 led to tighter mobility restrictions, which delayed the European recovery. High frequency indicators suggest economic activity was down around 20% from normal over (...)

April 2021

Strategy Value, Momentum and the Outlook for Market Neutral L/S

Momentum stocks experienced a correction since Pfizer announced their Covid-19 vaccine results early November. Performance has nonetheless stabilized over the course of March, as the rebound in Value stocks has been persistent and started to be shown in the Momentum risk (...)

March 2021

Strategy CTAs Rally despite dreadful momentum in Equity Markets

With investors questioning the sustainability of equity valuations in a context of rising bonds yields, a Momentum reversal in equities is taking shape. Defensive sectors, and more recently Technology stocks, faced downward pressures while Financials and Energy (...)

February 2021

Strategy Market neutral l/sto remain under pressure

In recent months, Market Neutral L/S strategies underperformed other hedge fund strategies, in a context where risk assets rallied following the Pfizer vaccine announcement in November 2020. While the strategy is not designed to capture the equity market beta, the alpha (...)

February 2021

News Global macro strategies play safe with U.S. Inflation hedges

In the space of alternatives, Global Macro strategies have embraced reflation trades in the past quarter, scaling up positions on EM FX, equities, commodities and inflation linked bonds at varying degrees.

February 2021

News 2021 Alpha outlook in Japan

We see the alpha environment in Japan improving in 2021. First, we expect a more supportive macro backdrop, setting the stage for a wider set of investment themes. Japan’s second wave of Covid-19 has peaked and its impact on activity looks manageable so far and will likely (...)

February 2021

Strategy How do L/S Equity Hedge Funds position on the recovery?

The consensus now expects a supportive 2021 backdrop for risky assets. With vaccines rolling out and continued reflation policies, the normalization of the world economy would accelerate, amid lower geopolitical uncertainties, still ample global (...)

January 2021

News Hedge funds increasingly active in bitcoin

While the bitcoin bull run in 2017 was largely driven by retail investors, the 2020 surge appeared to be driven by a wider set of investors, including institutionals.

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Note Are markets becoming more unstable?

Readers of financial news may believe that ‘market corrections’, or ‘shocks’, or ‘five-sigma events’ are more common than they used to be. Winton Capital Management look at the historical data for a number of financial markets and find that there is no evidence for increasing (...)


Strategy JPY at risk of reversal: who wins? who loses?

JPY and Japanese equities were the outcast of the rally, in diffidence of Abenomics’ and BoJ’s chances of success. They bear a risk of a reversal ahead of the coming BoJ meetings (April 28 & June 16) and the July Upper House (...)


Pedagogy Back to the future, may 2011: Nobles Crus and Earth Element Fund

Yesterday they were introduced as innovatives products. Today, How far have they got and what are the prospects for tomorrow ? Two products in the spotlight this month: Nobles Crus or the blend of passion for wine and financial investment, and a quantitative systematic (...)


News Institutional investor appetite is back for quant funds

The recent CTA performances encourage institutional investors to more closely monitor this type of hedge fund. Thus, according to Preqin, 52% of them wish to increase their exposure to this type of alternative strategy this year (vs 14% last (...)


Stories Key Quant: New revelation of systematic management

"Key Quant”. The saga of Robert Baguenault de Viéville and Raphael Gelrubin could be summarized in these two words, the name of the company they run. Specialized in systematic trend-following management strategies (trend following (...)


Note ESMA report values EU Alternative Investment Funds at €4.9 trillion

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) today published its first statistical report on European Union (EU) Alternative Investment Funds (AIF). The study finds that the EU AIF sector in 2017, as measured by Net Asset Value (NAV), amounted to (...)


News Top 20 largest hedge funds

According to Bloomberg, the $69 billion Man Group tops the list of the largest hedge funds, an industry that is selectively recovering.


Innovation Elite Advisers launches Precious Time, a fund which invest in collectible watches

Up to 50% will be invested in Patek Philippe watches, 30% in Rolex, Breguet, Audemars Piguet, Vacheron Constantin and Cartier


News The market for catastrophe bonds (« Cat bonds ») remains dynamic!

Over the 12 months, the market for Cat bonds - bonds issued by securitization structure to refinance insurance risks related to natural disaster - remains dynamic, both in terms of volume and performance...


Note ESMA report values EU Alternative Investment Funds at €5.8 trillion

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) today published its second statistical report on European Union (EU) Alternative Investment Funds (AIF). The study found that the EU AIF sector in 2018, as measured by Net Asset Value (NAV), amounted to €5.8tn or nearly 40% (...)


Stories John Arnold : The natural gas guru

John Arnold came under the spotlight in 2006 after the fierce battle with Brian Hunter, Amaranth Advisors’ star trader, on the U.S. natural gas market.


Kiosk Alternatives to financial markets investments

The financial investment is not limited to financial markets assets and the current uncertainties obviously feed such thoughts. Indeed, there are many investment vehicles that could create value in a portfolio.


Interview Arnaud Chrétien and Serge Darolles : «The objective of QuantValley is to become the calling card for French Quantitive management»

Challenges, positioning and quantative management outlook in France. Arnaud Chrétien and Serge Darolles, respectively Chairman and deputy chairman of QuantValley, answer our questions and introduce us to their project aimed at promoting Paris’ image as a city of (...)


Strategy Managed futures strategies

This type of strategy is based on a simple idea: try to take advantage of an exposure on futures contracts («Futures») with the underlying being a financial instruments or a commodity ...


Regulation Regulatory prospects: 2012 and beyond

2009 was a year of intense reflection on the functioning of the financial sector. There followed an intense regulatory activity in 2010, unfortunately with few formal adoptions of regulations. 2011 marked the surge of the will to succeed with provisional schedules. Where do (...)


Interview Baptiste Buisson : « We consider increasing the size of this type of investment (Absolute Performance UCITS) in the coming quarters »

According to Baptiste Buisson, Deputy Director at Aviva France, Investing in this type of support like Alternative Risk Premia allows players like Aviva France to diversify our investments.

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