Alternative Investment


January 15

News Schroders launches first luxembourg ELTIF 2.0 fund in France

The asset management company, Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A. launched “Schroders Capital – Private Equity ELTIF 2023”, its first Luxembourg ELTIF 2.0 Private Equity fund distributed in France and internationally.


Amundi and Sand Grove Capital launch event driven UCITS fund


The index revolution (finally) comes to hedge funds


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March 2017

News Flows into Alternative UCITs Rebound in Early 2017

Risk assets have continued to edge higher over the recent weeks, with the MSCI World reaching new highs last week. Yet, equities in developed markets have been essentially fuelled by the U.S. market...

February 2017

News Risk Assets on the Rise and Supportive Alpha: a Nice Cocktail for Hedge Funds

Markets have gone back and forth while assessing the prospects for Trump’s economic plans and the timing of U.S. rate hikes. Last week, risk assets in DM and EM progressed, stirred by supportive data and Trump’s plans to unveil a “phenomenal” tax policy. Most hedge funds headed (...)

February 2017

News Value Stocks Lose Steam But Active Managers Stay Afloat

Value stocks have lost steam in early 2017 as market exuberance faded and investors reappraised the risks of trade wars. The renewed underperformance of value stocks has taken many investors by surprise as it follows a sharp rebound in the last quarter of (...)

February 2017

News Fixed Income Arbitrage Thrives As Bond Yields Rise

Bond yields continued to edge higher over the recent weeks on the back of stronger economic data and higher inflationary pressures. The rise in bond yields was more pronounced in Europe than in the U.S. across the curve, which contributed to the appreciation of the Euro vs. (...)

January 2017

News Hedge Fund Returns Reach Three-Year High in 2016

The Preqin All-Strategies Hedge Fund benchmark posted returns of 7.40% in 2016, marking the best performance year for the industry since 2013 and more than tripling the gains made through 2015 (+2.03%). Despite a volatile start to the year which caused some performance (...)

January 2017

Innovation H2O Asset Management Expands Investment Expertise By Launching Innovative Fund Range

H2O Barry Active Value and H2O Barry Short, both Irish UCITS, are the first funds specifically designed to address the problems associated with the current scarcity of liquidity in the marketplace following the regulatory crackdown on financial (...)

January 2017

News 2017 Hedge Funds Outlook: Better prospects, but too early for champagne

An uneventful week for hedge funds. Amid reduced trading volumes and a pause in the Reflation trade, most Lyxor indices were about flat. CTAs and Macro funds stood out, in symmetry. The former lost on US yields and equities, the latter gained on their long US bonds and short (...)

January 2017

News CTAs Move Higher At The Turn of The Year

It would be an understatement to say that active investing has been challenged in 2016. Political risks loomed large and the switch from deflation fears to reflation hopes in H2 led to sizeable trend reversals across the board. This took most investors by (...)

December 2016

News Performance Sees Hedge Fund Assets Grow Despite Investor Redemptions

Preqin’s latest on asset flows in the hedge fund industry finds that across the first three quarters of 2016 assets held by hedge fund managers increased by 2.9%, taking total industry AUM to $3.24tn. Across most strategies, strong returns have been the central driver of (...)

November 2016

News Event Driven Moves Higher On Trump’s Market Rally

With U.S. data releases in the black and the Fed ready to act, Treasury yields kept creeping higher over the recent weeks. Meanwhile, the ECB recently signaled it may extend its bond buying program at the current € 80bn per month beyond March 2017 (the final decision is (...)

November 2016

News Hedge fund performance in light of the U.S. election

The victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election has led to widespread market movements. After initial adverse movements, equities rallied and bond yields jumped as Trump’s initial statements reassured markets, calling for unity and pledging that he will be the (...)

November 2016

News Hedge Funds Show Resilience Ahead of Election Day

Risk aversion rose over the recent days as Election Day approaches in the U.S. and the gap between Clinton and Trump in the polls has narrowed. During the period under review, both equities and bonds delivered negative returns, while credit spreads widened and energy (...)

November 2016

Innovation GAM launches GAM Systematic Global Equity Market Neutral

The GAM Systematic Global Equity Market Neutral fund uses systematic strategies and proprietary trading systems to invest in global single-name equities. Designed to deliver returns uncorrelated with a long-only equity (...)

November 2016

Strategy Protecting From the Crash With Private Infrastructure Assets

CEPRES today released an analysis demonstrating how Private (unlisted) Infrastructure can act as a Hedge for Corporate Bonds, whilst significantly outperforming on returns. Using PE.Analyzer to analyze thousands of privately held Infrastructure assets, CEPRES found (...)

October 2016

Strategy CTAs Shave Off Bond Exposures As Treasury Yields Rise

Fixed income markets have faced some pressures lately, as investors fret about less accommodative monetary conditions going forward. In addition, higher energy prices have fuelled bond yields, as both OPEC members and (...)

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News The market for catastrophe bonds (« Cat bonds ») remains dynamic!

Over the 12 months, the market for Cat bonds - bonds issued by securitization structure to refinance insurance risks related to natural disaster - remains dynamic, both in terms of volume and performance...


Note Are markets becoming more unstable?

Readers of financial news may believe that ‘market corrections’, or ‘shocks’, or ‘five-sigma events’ are more common than they used to be. Winton Capital Management look at the historical data for a number of financial markets and find that there is no evidence for increasing (...)


Stories Axa Rosenberg: a $217 million bug.

The American quantitative management firm is struggling to get over a scandal that originated from an IT error and which lead 600 of its clients to lose money.


Opinion Hedge funds outperformed but the devil is in the details

The return of market volatility in February hurt equity markets significantly. For the first time in 15 months, the MSCI World ended the month in the red, down -3.5%, as EMU and Japanese markets underperformed.


Innovation Nobles Crus, the perfect blend of wine and finance

Launched in 2008, Nobles Crus is a Luxembourg Sicav investing in the top graded wines and that has registered since launch a performance of 27.65%.


News Systematic strategies are back

For the second month in a row, CTAs outperformed hedge fund strategies in April. According to the Lyxor CTA peer group, the strategy was up +1.6% in April, which brings the year-to-date performance close to +5%.


News Flows into Alternative UCITs Rebound in Early 2017

Risk assets have continued to edge higher over the recent weeks, with the MSCI World reaching new highs last week. Yet, equities in developed markets have been essentially fuelled by the U.S. market...


Innovation Swiss Re places first bonds to combine natural catastrophe and mortality risks

Swiss Re has obtained USD 200 million in coverage against North Atlantic hurricane and UK extreme mortality risk through its new Mythen Re programme...


News John Paulson has lost nearly $ 500 million betting on Sino-Forest

Paulson & co and many other fund management companies have been caught by the markets after the revelations about Sino-Forest real wealth. Is it a lesson taught to the funds invested in shares of companies expected to capture growth in emerging markets (...)


Opinion Quantitative management: the THEAM way

At THEAM, a subsidiary of the BNP Paribas Group, our development strategy involves promoting the added value that quantitative techniques can bring to the field of asset management.


News CTAS : Green shoots of recovery?

The recent U-turn of major central banks from monetary normalization to renewed accommodation beat market expectations. In particular, the minutes from the FOMC meeting held on 29-30 January suggested the likely ending of the balance sheet runoff at the end of (...)


News NewAlpha Asset Management announces the initial closing of its fourth hedge fund seeding vehicle

NewAlpha 4 Genesis has completed its first closing of $150 million raised from French and Swiss institutional investors.


Opinion Combining différent styles for risk premia strategies

According to Ronen Israel, principal at AQR Capital Management, four investment “styles” — Value, Momentum, Carry and Defensive — have emerged as compelling sources of alternative returns, backed by economic theory and decades of data across geographies and asset (...)


Opinion Hedge fund briefs : A rising tide lifts most boats

Hedge fund strategies experienced a symmetric move. The strategies that suffered in December such as L/S Equity and Relative Value Arbitrage rebounded recently, while those resilient at the end of 2018, such as CTAs, lagged behind so far in Q1 due to their short equity (...)


Note Private Capital Fund Managers Raise Fee Rates in 2017

The 2017 Preqin Private Capital Fund Terms Advisor finds that several private capital fund types are raising their average management fees among funds of more recent vintages. Unlisted infrastructure funds have seen mean management fees rise marginally from lows of 1.38% for (...)


Interview Baptiste Buisson : « We consider increasing the size of this type of investment (Absolute Performance UCITS) in the coming quarters »

According to Baptiste Buisson, Deputy Director at Aviva France, Investing in this type of support like Alternative Risk Premia allows players like Aviva France to diversify our investments.

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