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September 2023

Strategy Revisiting bonds for multi-asset

The last decade has seen a growth bias among financial assets, one that has become entrenched in equity indices. At the same time, bonds seemingly shed much of their protective qualities, offering investors very little by way of (...)


Focus on quality for success in equities


Reducing portfolio volatility top priority for european pension funds, new research from alpha real capital reveals


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November 2012

Strategy Further consolidations expected in China’s soft beverages market

There is likely to be a wave of consolidations in China’s beverages market as it responds to the USD 5 billion alliance of Tingyi and PepsiCo, according a report from Rabobank. Smaller, ‘second tier’ beverages players will be affected most by the new alliance, as they struggle (...)

November 2012

Strategy Emerging Europe poised for sustainable long term growth

Although very different on a country-by-country basis, ING IM predicts that, collectively, Emerging Europe is set to benefit from a desire to advance regulatory enhancements, push ahead with economic liberalisation and pursue privatization (...)

October 2012

Strategy Corporate Bonds – Ideal for Emerging Markets diversification

With sovereign ceilings rising, corporate governance and overall transparency improving, demand and liquidity high and returns attractive relative to risk, what’s not to like about Emerging Markets corporate bonds?

October 2012

Strategy Africa: Kenya’s Mobile Frontier

When we first started out in the emerging markets space more than two decades ago, we were in “frontier” territory as we entered markets such as Indonesia, Thailand, Turkey and Brazil that were previously closed to foreign (...)

September 2012

Strategy US housing: a long-term attractive opportunity

According to Stephanie Krertz, US real estate to be an excellent longterm opportunity, with a currently very attractive entry point in terms of valuation, even though sub-par economic growth is likely to make the rise in prices much more gradual than during previous (...)

August 2012

Strategy WTI prices not keeping pace with fundamentals

WTI prices have rallied over $18/bbl from their June lows. However, the rally in WTI prices has failed to keep pace with the rally in Brent prices, which are up more than $24/bbl from their June lows.

August 2012

Strategy Do mega companies offer mega opportunities?

Mega companies are bigger than most countries. Quite a few pharma, food, oil and tech companies reach annual revenues of over $50 bln, exceeding the GDP levels of more than 2/3 of the countries in the world. Unusually, these mega companies have performed better than the (...)

August 2012

Strategy Despite DB Decline, U.K. Institutional Market to Provide Ample Opportunities for Asset Managers for Next 10-20 Years

Results of the Greenwich Associates 2012 U.K. Investment Management Study reveal that the U.K. institutional investment market should continue to expand over at least the next decade or two, but changing product demand will fundamentally shake up the source of revenues for (...)

July 2012

Strategy European companies are becoming ever more ’global’

There is a clear distinction between the travails of the eurozone and the prospects for successful, ’world beating’ European companies. I think that the world has changed: in recent years, European companies have become much more global and more than ever, the quality of the (...)

March 2012

Strategy Africa, the emerging market story of the next decade ?

According to Mark Mobius, Africa could represent a tremendous opportunity for investors in the next few years. The continent is well known for its wealth of natural resources, much of it barely developed, which includes oil and gas and a variety of metals and minerals, as (...)

March 2012

Strategy Equities: will oil spoil the party?

After the strong start to the year equity markets are getting vulnerable to profit taking. A further rise in oil prices could well provide the excuse for doing so, certainly as the momentum in liquidity creation seems to have (...)

February 2012

Strategy Asian debt now a mainstream asset class

Investors should view Asian debt as a mainstream asset class and not simply as a subsection of the global bond universe, according to Chia-Liang Lian, manager of the Legg Mason Western Asset Asian Opportunities (...)

January 2012

Strategy Focus on yield, quality and diversification as safe havens contract

Investors should focus on investments that offer yield, quality and diversification amid expectations that the global economy will avoid recession but experience fragile growth in 2012, according to Bill O’Neill, Chief Investment Officer for Europe, Middle East and Africa (...)

December 2011

Strategy The Euro’s Survival and traditional asset classes prospects for 2012

On the basis of the survival «in fine» of the Euro through a constrained and massive indirect monetization from the ECB, what are the expectations for 2012 on foreign exchange, short-term rates, long-term rates and (...)

December 2011

Strategy Equities: Outlook 2012

We prefer investments in large, international companies with good access to capital markets, some growth and decent dividend yields.

... | < 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |>

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Strategy Investing during market turmoil

The idea that considers equity investing as long term has simply become absurd nowadays and has been so during the last 10 years. Let us be reassured. Opportunities will still be around. The only real question nowadays is how to allocate between real assets and financial (...)


Strategy Airports versus toll roads - A novel reversal

Following previous macro shocks – the gulf wars, 9/11, SARs and cyclical major economic downturns – global air traffic has bounced back rapidly in a sharp V-shaped recovery, while toll road volumes followed more of an (...)


Strategy Prevent structural asset allocation biases to improve responsiveness

Performance drivers and risk factors are unstable parameters, at least in the short to mid-term. As a result, delivering returns over a relatively long horizon whilst avoiding transitory market shocks is no easy task for portfolio managers. While asset allocation is the main (...)


Strategy Crisis - what crisis?

While the markets feel risky, the perceived risk has not been matched by a spike in market levels of implied volatility


Strategy Does a liquidity factor premium exist in the stock market?

Academic studies present ample evidence in support of the existence of four factor premiums in stock markets: Low Risk, Value, Momentum, and Quality. Factor investing puts these concepts into practice by enabling investors to allocate their capital explicitly to these (...)


Strategy Forex, a value added in an allocation between real and financial assets

The foreign exchange market (Forex) is not an extra asset class but all asset classes together in the same market. It can be a real source of diversification and performance subject to a systematic, disciplined and rigorous (...)


Strategy The index revolution (finally) comes to hedge funds

One common knock on factor models is that they “replicate only beta” – not the pure alpha gold that allocators seek. This critique pre-dates the appreciation of factor rotations. Outside of some ivory tower statistics class, no one questions the “alpha” generated by, for (...)


Strategy Gold & Mines – A good way to diversify in the current environment!

According to Arnaud du Plessis, CPR AM thematic equities manager specialising in gold and commodities, after the US Nonfarm Payrolls fell far short of expectations in early June, a further boost to the gold market was provided by the Brexit vote. The big winners are UK (...)


Strategy «Making good use of Market Timing on stock markets»

’Market timing’ is the decision to disinvest or invest in the stock markets at the right time. To achieve such an objective, Investors must base theirs expectations on a combination of fundamental and technical analysis. Explanations (...)


Strategy Bond market headaches: The Fed and Greece but select opportunities remain

A cagey US Federal Reserve and unfinished business in Greece will likely continue to unsettle the credit markets, but Australian government bonds may offer one route to mitigate risk, and select opportunities exist in countries such as Cyprus and India, according to Ariel (...)


Strategy Why we are taking our equity overweight to neutral for first time in five years

Mark Burgess, CIO EMEA and Global Head of equities at Columbia Threadneedle Investments, discusses the market reaction post Brexit, the impact of central bank actions and why Columbia has decided to reduce its equity exposure from overweight to neutral in asset allocation (...)


Strategy Opportunity in volatility

The first three months of 2020 go down in history as the worst Q1 ever for global stock markets. Many measures of market stress reached levels last seen in the financial crisis and some price moves were on a scale not witnessed since the great Crash of 1929. The surge in (...)


Strategy Opportunities in a low-return landscape

According to Richard Turnill, BlackRock’s Global Chief Investment Strategist, we live in a world of low prospective returns, as reflected in our latest five-year return outlook. We have lowered our return assumptions across most asset classes due to increased valuations, but (...)


Strategy Risk concentration stronger than risk perception

The risk concentration index (RCI) for a diversified portfolio had been on a downtrend since the start of 2014. The latest risk aversion spell has brought this to an end. This index, which measures the diversity of risk sources, peaked when markets were mainly guided by the (...)


Strategy VARPS: 2019 Update

GAM Investments’ Tim Love reflects on the performance of his frontier market plays, Vietnam, Argentina, Romania, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (VARPS) so far this year and discusses the investment opportunities and risks associated with these (...)


Strategy CPR AM has recently launched CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities | A look back at an accelerating phenomenon: disruption

The recently theorised phenomenon of "disruption" is defined as a process whereby a product, a service or a solution disrupts the rules on an already established market. Technological progress, along with the globalisation of trade and demographic changes are now helping to (...)


Hidden assets

Learn about hidden assets (volatility, correlation,...) and related strategies

Multi-asset funds

Special Focus on Multi-asset funds: Prevent structural asset allocation biases to improve responsiveness, Allocation strategy for 2017, Multi-Asset Funds Face Investors Scrutiny on Flexibility…

Smart Beta

Special focus on Smart Beta & Factor Investing : Beta positionning and outlook within current asset management framework | Risk factor investing | Factors Value, Momentum, Low Volatility, Quality | Smart Beta and Low Carbon | Smart Beta and (...)

Strategies on dividend derivatives

Dividends : New strategies - Analysis, investment perspectives and strategies on dividend derivatives....

Alternative Risk Premia

Alternative Risk Premia: Alternative Risk Premia strategies | Using Risk Premia for a true diversified portfolio | Investors Increase Pressure on Hedge Funds to Lower Fees | Combining différent styles for risk premia (...)


Infrastructure : A Growing asset class | The role of pension funds | Energy infrastructure | The MLP example | Accessing the US Energy Infrastructure with MLP ETFs....


China : Invest in domestic chinese stocks with ETFS-E Fund MSCI China A GO UCITS | Chinese domestic equities could benefit from more economic stimulus| Li Kequiang’s Chinese growth indicator …

Gestion Obligataire

Gestion Obligataire : Quelle allocation d’actifs obligataires ? | Rallonger la maturité des investissements | La recherche de rendement, un exercice de plus en plus difficile | Investir en volatilité sur les obligations américaines | Déclin de la liquidité du crédit | Rendements (...)

Gestion Action

Gestion Action – Comment investir dans les actions thématiques ? Small Caps, Growth, Value, Momentum, High Dividend, Equity Europe Income Defensive... Quel style de gestion pour quel rendement/risque ? La bulle sur les stratégies à faible volatilité est-elle en train d’éclater (...)

ETF Actions américaines

Actions américaines : comment investir à ce stade du cycle ? Avec une collecte record de 16 milliards d’euros à fin août, soit 70% de la collecte totale du marché des ETF européens, les actions américaines dominent largement les flux ETF depuis le début de (...)

Actions Thématiques - Special Disruption

Actions Thématiques - Special Disruption - La pandémie du Covid 19, accélérateur de la disruption sur le long terme : En quelques semaines, l’innovation s’est accélérée, les taux d’adoption à de nouveaux usages ont explosé : télémédecine, apprentissage à distance, loisirs confinés… (...)

Special Investissement Responsable

Special Investissement Responsable - A quoi correspond le S de ESG ? Qu’est-ce que l’Investissement Responsable ? Qu’est-ce que l’Impact Investing ? Quelle action aurais-je en tant qu’investisseur ?

Économie bleue : comment l’environnement marin peut être source de développement économique responsable

Économie bleue : comment l’environnement marin peut être source de développement économique responsable - Les entreprises sont de plus en plus conscientes de son potentiel et y consacrent progressivement davantage de ressources dans leur activité. Les investisseurs peuvent donc (...)

Les thématiques ESG à l’honneur

Les thématiques ESG à l’honneur | Zoom sur l’indice Low Carbon 100 Europe PAB®.| L’économie bleue | Quand l’immobilier coté s’intéresse à la performance environnementale | La thématique des infrastructures à la lumière de l’investissement (...)


Rapports annuels d’impact - CPR AM est engagé depuis plus de quatre ans dans la construction d’une offre de gestion 100 % responsable et a développé une gamme de solutions dont l’objectif est d’avoir un impact concret et mesurable. Retrouvez les rapports annuels d’impact des (...)


Hydrogène, futur moteur de la révolution verte - Une source d’énergie qui ne rejetterait aucun gaz à effet de serre. Qui offrirait aux voitures une autonomie de plus de 700 km et qui pourrait faire voler des avions. Ce sont les promesses, difficiles à ignorer, de (...)

La voie vers l’économie circulaire passe par la volonté politique

La voie vers l’économie circulaire passe par la volonté politique - La transition vers une économie circulaire devrait avoir d’énormes retombées positives sur l’environnement, à commencer par la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, le ralentissement de l’utilisation des (...)

Comment les investisseurs peuvent-ils contribuer à relever le défi de la biodiversité ?

Comment les investisseurs peuvent-ils contribuer à relever le défi de la biodiversité ? La biodiversité est menacée par les activités humaines telles que la production industrielle, l’exploitation forestière, l’agriculture et l’exploitation minière. Ces activités ont des effets (...)

Assurer l’avenir de l’économie bleue

Assurer l’avenir de l’économie bleue Si notre planète est essentiellement bleue, c’est pour une bonne raison : elle regorge d’eau. Les océans foisonnent de ressources et constituent également un enjeu essentiel dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. La protection des océans (...)


l’actualité et les stratégies sur le marché du change

Last commented articles

FR Stratégie Démonstration mathématique des raisons pour lesquelles les titres de croissance battent les titres "value"
Read comments Update October 2020
Strategy Targeting positive returns in an uncertain climate
Read comments Update May 2019
FR Stratégie L’intérêt d’une exposition dynamique aux obligations
Read comments Update February 2019
FR Stratégie Les « actions protégées », une stratégie séduisante à calibrer sur-mesure
Read comments Update July 2017

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