Financial engineering


November 2023

Opinion Total Return Futures set for further growth as buy-side adoption increases

Eurex launched Total Return Futures (TRFs) in 2016 in response to growing demand for listed alternatives to total return swaps. Since then, the product has evolved into an instrument used by a wide variety of firms for multiple purposes, enabling firms to lock in financing (...)


We have reduced our equity exposure through option strategies


Xavier Morin: "In 2021, we are seeing a real resurgence of interest in our strategies that are weakly correlated to the equity market"


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August 2008

Interview Bruno Dupire: «The problem of finance is not to compute......»

A pioneer of local volatility models and leader of quantitative research at Société Générale then Paribas, Bruno Dupire, gives us his vision of markets and responds to criticism of the local volatility...

May 2008

Interview Espen Haug : «I am also playing with the idea of setting up an Anti-Hedge Fund»

Former Amaranth’s and Paloma Partners’ derivative trader, Espen Haug plans to launch an Anti-Hedge Funds and believes his strategies are too complex to be turned into «Black Box»...

March 2008

Interview Loïc Guilloux: «The IPD is the only vehicle to take a short position on the housing market»»

Swaps and dérivatives on real estate, what are the prospects of this new market ? The Merryl Lynch Managing Director Loic Guilloux, head of Fixed Income, Currencies & Commodities in France, provides answers...

March 2008

Interview Dr Damiano Brigo: «Hybrid products and models will become paramount in the immediate future»

Interview with Dr Damiano Brigo, Head of Credit Models at Banca IMI in Milan and co-author of the best-seller « Interest-Rate Models: Theory and Practice ».

February 2008

Interview Mark Joshi : «senior management have to be more mathematically sophisticated»

Mark Joshi has worked for RBS from 1999 to 2005. First as quant analyst and then head of quantitative research within the risk department.

January 2008

Pedagogy What is CPPI (Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance)?

CPPI or Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance is a dynamic management technique that ensures a minimum guaranteed amount to an investor at the time of maturity

November 2007

Reading A fractal view of the markets, Benoit Mandelbrot

In an uncompromising book, Benoit Mandelbrot, French graduate from Ecole Polytechnique, denounces the inconsistency of the orthodox theory of finance and presents his fractal vision of the markets

October 2007

Note What is Structured Finance ?

If the current crisis (labelled as the subprime crisis) has highlighted the complexity of structured finance along with the necessity of developing more sophisticated risk management tools, it appears that a great deal of misunderstanding still prevails among economic and (...)

August 2007

News Quant funds in turmoil

With the losses recorded by one fund of top quant manager, Renaissance Technologies, and three other funds of Goldman Sachs, the quantitative management industry might be facing its first real crisis.

June 2007

Interview Benoit Mandelbrot: «My ideas are more and more used by trading desks »

Benoit Mandelbrot, former student of Ecole Polytechnique, is a member of the research center of IBM. He also teaches at Yale and is the father of fractal mathematics ...

May 2007

Innovation JP Morgan launches the LifeMetrics index

To reduce the risks on the pension fund industry, JP Morgan launched the LifeMetrics index. This index is part of a global platform called "LifeMetrics" which aim is to measure and manage longevity and mortality risk (...)

March 2007

Profile Quantitative Analyst: a dream career for young mathematicians

Each year, more and more young engineers or science graduates are interested in this career. But how does one become a “quant” ?

January 2007

Interview Elie Ayache : « The trading of derivatives products has nothing to do with the probability distributions»

He was among the first volatility traders in the matif ! ITO33 Founder and former head of research at Dexia AM, Elie Ayache gives us his thoughts on the derivatives markets he defines as the technology...

November 2006

News French Legion of Honour awarded to Nicole El Karoui

Nicole El Karoui, a mathematics professor and expert on probability, received, on October 15th 2006, the French Legion of Honour for her pioneering work in the field of mathematics applied to finance.

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Interview Pieter Entius : « Eurex Market-on-Close (MOC) delivers a listed solution for basis trading »

Higher efficiency and less risk - Eurex Market-on-Close Futures are designed to deliver multiple benefits to a market that has so far been dominated by OTC trading. Pieter Entius, Head of Trading at Flow Traders, shares his insights what are the key drivers and benefits from (...)


Opinion Robots have taken power in finance

Describe the real world with numbers is a trend that seems to be accelerating. Thus, digital technology is associated with financial models to show that we (human) interact with our environment using mathematical (...)


Note Smart Beta 2.0 – Taking the risks of new equity benchmarks into account

In research published two weeks ago entitled, “Smart Beta 2.0,” EDHEC-Risk Institute is seeking to draw the attention of investors to the risks of traditional smart beta equity indices and propose a new approach to smart beta investing to take account of these (...)


News Crédit Agricole CIB to withdraw from equity derivatives and commodities activities.

The french bank unveils a new corporate and investment banking model centred on serving major clients and the closure of operations in 21 countries


Note Are markets becoming more unstable?

Readers of financial news may believe that ‘market corrections’, or ‘shocks’, or ‘five-sigma events’ are more common than they used to be. Winton Capital Management look at the historical data for a number of financial markets and find that there is no evidence for increasing (...)


Pedagogy EURO STOXX 50® Total Return Futures

About Implied Repo Rate | Product Summary | Your Benefits Trading EURO STOXX 50® Total Return Futures | Product Structure | TRF Product Specifications | Motivation & Examples


Stories Axa Rosenberg: a $217 million bug.

The American quantitative management firm is struggling to get over a scandal that originated from an IT error and which lead 600 of its clients to lose money.


News Systematic strategies are back

For the second month in a row, CTAs outperformed hedge fund strategies in April. According to the Lyxor CTA peer group, the strategy was up +1.6% in April, which brings the year-to-date performance close to +5%.


Pedagogy Eurex Market-on-Close Futures

Eurex Market-on-Close Futures (Eurex MOC Futures) are designed to significantly facilitate MOC trading since the index futures can be traded at the underlying cash market index close ahead of its actual publication.


Note The true nature of the derivative contract on French debt

The multiplication of misinterpretations related to the launch of the derivative contract on French debt leads to an apolitical analysis produced by a market professional to avoid amalgam and populism: This is a simple and useful contract, which was traded in the past in (...)


News Smart Beta: THEAM renames one of its low-volatility funds

THEAM has just renamed its smart beta BNPP L1 Equity World Low Volatility fund Parvest Equity World Low Volatility. The fund’s strategy and portfolio management team remain unchanged...


Innovation Swiss Re places first bonds to combine natural catastrophe and mortality risks

Swiss Re has obtained USD 200 million in coverage against North Atlantic hurricane and UK extreme mortality risk through its new Mythen Re programme...


Opinion Quantitative management: the THEAM way

At THEAM, a subsidiary of the BNP Paribas Group, our development strategy involves promoting the added value that quantitative techniques can bring to the field of asset management.


News New record day in Euronext milling wheat commodities

Euronext, the leading exchange in the Euro zone, today announced that on 16 December its commodities franchise achieved a second lifetime record daily volumes in the same month in milling wheat futures with 92,531 contracts (...)


Interview Kevin Loo : «The FF Global Strategic Bond Fund has received a growing interest from investors wanting to overcome the benchmark related risks.»

Flexible asset allocation process, strategic and tactical allocation...Kevin Loo, Global Fixed Income Product Manager at Fidelity tells us about the operation and objectives of the FF Global Strategic Bond Fund...

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