
March 2021

Regulation The latest episode in the PRIIPs saga

The application of PRIIPs has been mired in controversy. Our view remains that the latest attempts to address problems with the regulation are a step forward but fail to remedy the fundamental flaws. The analysis of Anastasia Petraki, Head of Policy Research at (...)


ESMA tells fund managers to improve readiness for future adverse shocks


Will climate risks be incorporated into cost of capital calculations under Solvency 2?


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October 2016

Regulation ESMA consults on future reporting rules for securities financing transactions

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has issued today a consultation paper on draft technical standards implementing the Securities Financing Transaction Regulation (SFTR), which aims to increase the transparency of shadow banking (...)

October 2016

Regulation ESMA consults on future rules for financial benchmarks

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has today published a consultation paper regarding its draft regulatory and implementing technical standards (RTS/ITS) which will implement the Benchmarks Regulation (...)

August 2016

Regulation Basel III implementation: Basel Committee reports to G20 Leaders

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has today published a report for the G20 Leaders at their Summit in Hangzhou on 4-5 September.

July 2016

Regulation ESMA advises on extension of funds passport to 12 non-EU countries

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has today published its Advice in relation to the application of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) passport to non-EU Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs) and Alternative Investment Funds (...)

July 2016

Regulation ESMA consults on proposed central clearing delay for small financial counterparties

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published today a consultation paper proposing to change the phase-in period for central clearing of OTC derivatives applicable to financial counterparties with a limited volume of derivatives activity under the (...)

July 2016

Regulation ESMA identifies scope for greater EU harmonisation in prospectuses approval

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has today published a peer review on the efficiency and effectiveness of European Union (EU) national securities markets regulators’ approval of prospectuses, the disclosure documents prepared by issuers when they want to (...)

June 2016

Regulation ESMA reminds firms of responsibilities when selling bail-in securities

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published a Statement reminding banks and investment firms (‘firms’) of their responsibility to act in their clients’ best interests when selling bail-in-able financial (...)

May 2016

Regulation ESMA issues opinion on MiFID II standards on ancillary activities

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has issued today an Opinion in response to a letter sent by the European Commission (Commission) asking to amend its draft RTS 20 under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) and Regulation (...)

May 2016

Regulation PSD2 and MIF Regulation create opportunities in Europe for those who can adapt, claims new PAY.ON white paper

PAY.ON, an ACI Worldwide company and a global partner for white label payment technology, has published in collaboration with First Annapolis a new white paper that explores the implications surrounding - and the opportunities arising from - the revised Payment Services (...)

May 2016

Regulation ESMA amends MiFID II standards on non-equity transparency and position limits

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has issued today two Opinions proposing amendments to its draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTSs) under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) and Regulation (...)

April 2016

Regulation ESMA finds room for improvement in national supervision of investment advice to retail clients

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has today published a peer review on how national regulators assess compliance with MiFID’s suitability requirements when firms provide investment advice to retail (...)

February 2016

Regulation ESMA consults on implementation of the Benchmarks Regulation

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has today published a Discussion Paper (DP) regarding the technical implementation of the incoming Benchmarks Regulation (BR)...

February 2016

Regulation ESMA resumes US CCP recognition process following EU-US agreement

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) welcomes the common approach announced today by the European Commission and the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) on the equivalence of CCP regimes.

February 2016

Regulation ESMA updates on supervisory work on closet index tracking

ESMA is concerned "Closet indexing" may harm investors as they are not receiving the service or risk/return profile they expect based on the fund’s disclosure documents while potentially paying higher fees compared to those typically charged for passive (...)

January 2016

Regulation ESMA publishes letter from European Commission on AIFMD passport

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published the letter it received from the European Commission (EC) in respect of its advice on the application of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) passport to non-EU AIFMs and AIFs, and ESMA’s (...)

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Regulation ESMA clarifies format for disclosure of risk factors in prospectuses

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published its final guidelines on how national competent authorities (NCAs) should review risk factors, as required by the new Prospectus Regulation (PR).


Regulation Solvency II: The conventions of the standard model and possible adverse effects

The Solvency II framework will change the way insurance companies address the investments performance in risky assets, by adding a new parameter to the traditional risk / reward tradeoff ....


Regulation ESMA requires net short position holders to report positions of 0.1% and above

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has issued a decision temporarily requiring the holders of net short positions in shares traded on a European Union (EU) regulated market to notify the relevant national competent authority (NCA) if the position reaches or (...)


Regulation Basel III: regulators seem to ignore market failures

The changes in our regulatory framework (BASEL 3) and the widespread use of inappropriate IFRS rules will not solve the imbalances of the international financial and economic system


Regulation ESMA tells firms to improve their selling practices for complex financial products

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published an Opinion on practices to be observed by investment firms when selling complex financial products to investors. ESMA is issuing this opinion to remind national supervisors and investment firms about the (...)


Regulation Solvency II: Advantage convertible bonds

The results of QIS 5 confirmed that convertible bonds bear low capital cost. A balanced-profile convertible bond portfolio with optimized convexity therefore obtains a moderate intrinsic SCR whilst benefiting from «equity» (...)


Regulation Reconciling bank processing and prudential regulation

The introduction of new liquidity ratios could undermine banking core business


Regulation Financial transactions taxation is applicable to France

According to the firm 99 Partners Advisory, it is possible, from now, to put in place a tax on financial transactions,


Regulation Extension of the ban on the taking of net short positions in ten French securities of the financial sector

The Board of the AMF considered that the market conditions were not satisfactory to lift the said ban.


Regulation EIOPA investigates how ESG and climate risks will be included in Solvency 2

In March 2018, the European Commission adopted an action plan to integrate sustainable finance within the financial system. For this purpose it asked EIOPA and ESMA to submit proposals on how to take ESG and climate risks into account under Solvency 2 and the Insurance (...)


Regulation Regulatory outlook: 2011 and beyond

It is well documented that over the past two years the European and US Authorties have made numerous efforts to strengthen the regulatory and supervisory framework that apply to financial activities.


Regulation The Tobin tax

The Tobin tax : a periodically fashionable idea, « miracle cure» that often unleashes passions mostly for ideological reasons than economic. It is necessary to review its relevance by assessing it objectively, and understanding what can make it, in some ways, desirable, but (...)


Regulation High Frequency Trading (HFT): Positive for forex market and negative for equities ?

While the AMF and European regulators plan to limit or prohibit HFT, the BSI considers it to be beneficial to the foreign exchange market in normal times and in times of stress...


Regulation OTC transactions on derivative products will require collateral deposits!

The European Union wishes to increase the cost on purely speculative transactions. A proper system would be set up in order to allow non-financial companies to use derivative products for « legitimate» hedging reasons…


Regulation Towards protection of swaps user margin and more scrutiny on high frequency trading

The SEC is considering whether new requirements should be imposed on high frequency trading and what benefits market makers should get for meeting those obligations. In the meantime the CFTC moves forward to protect swaps user margin from peer (...)


Regulation Regulatory prospects: 2012 and beyond

2009 was a year of intense reflection on the functioning of the financial sector. There followed an intense regulatory activity in 2010, unfortunately with few formal adoptions of regulations. 2011 marked the surge of the will to succeed with provisional schedules. Where do (...)


Solvency II

Solvency II: What is the impact of Solvency II for asset allocation? | Using of hedging strategies for portfolios via derivatives | Internal model or a standard model

Selection: Regulation

Note The impact of Solvency 2 on insurers asset allocation

Implications for asset allocation? Incitement to diversification? Optimization of the volatility hedging ratio ? Allocation depending on the level of wealth of the insurance company? Groupama AM updates on the impact of Solvency 2 for (...)

Note Challenges for Europe’s banks

Even in the seemingly unlikely case that a comprehensive solution to the sovereign crisis is found, the changed regulatory backdrop is a major challenge for the banks, and probably for the economy as a whole.

News Forex: the list of unauthorised websites in France

ACP and AMF update the list of unauthorised websites offering forex investments

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