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February 15

Opinion Added Value in ABS

Investors are moving back into higher-rated fixed income after years of comparative neglect, and we noted that asset- and mortgage-backed securities (ABS and MBS) offered diversified risk exposures, together with relative value caused mainly by technical supply-and-demand (...)


Reflections on Davos: Business as usual no longer exists


Equities head for choppy ride as higher yield market takes hold


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March 2020

Opinion Banks emerge as part of solution to Covid-19 economic crisis

The operating environment for European banks will be challenging, but resolution and senior debt bail-in are extremely unlikely. Banks will have to be a key piece of the puzzle as authorities seek to minimise long-term economic (...)

March 2020

Opinion The ECB takes a significant step

The ECB issued a new impressive 750bn QE program to deal with the Covid-19 virus. The key elements are that it follows the APP (asset purchase programs) and that it is ambivalently stated regarding the key ratio before maturity in that it seems a tad tougher than the (...)

March 2020

Opinion Bomb doors open

What impact could helicopter money have on the US economy? Charles Hepworth, Investment Director, GAM Investments assesses the ever-evolving situation.

March 2020

Opinion Is the world now heading for recession?

On Monday (9 March), equities sold off and credit spreads widened sharply as risk assets had one of their worst days since 2008, at the height of the global financial crisis. Meanwhile, gold and sovereign bonds rallied such that 10-year gilt yields started to approach zero (...)

March 2020

Opinion Weighing up potential market impacts from the coronavirus

As the virus outbreak spreads well beyond China, it is hard to forecast exactly what the economic impact will be, but it’s safe to say that consumption and supply will be significantly affected

March 2020

Opinion US: Fed cut key rates by 50 bp

After G7 central banks-finance ministers meeting, Fed decided an intermeeting rate cut by 50 bp to 1%-1.25%. Interest rates served on reserves was also cut to 1.10% and the primary credit rate also cut to 1.75%. In its statement, Fed mentioned the US economy is still strong, (...)

February 2020

Opinion Europe’s untapped payments potential

In the first of a new regular series of insight pieces looking at the key trends, themes and opportunities in the financial technology sector, Guy de Blonay, manager of the Jupiter Financial Innovation Fund, says the domination of banks in the European payments space is set (...)

February 2020

Opinion Coronavirus a Challenge for China’s Economy

The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has now infected nearly 10,000 people worldwide, with over 200 mortalities reported as of January 31, 2020. The majority of cases have been in Wuhan, China, where it originated, though more are being identified across a dozen other (...)

January 2020

Opinion Why 2020 will be the year Europe’s pension schemes engage with ESG

Pension schemes have struggled to get to grips with environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. However, 2020 is likely to be the year when the growing pressure from regulators to address these issues becomes an (...)

January 2020

Opinion The year of the rat: China’s Economy is strong but investors need to be on their guard

As China enters the Year of the Rat this Saturday (25 January), Jasmine Kang, Portfolio Manager at Comgest, the independent, international asset management group focused on quality growth investing, believes that China’s growth has become more sustainable but that (...)

January 2020

Opinion Why investors should be optimistic about Japan

There are several reasons to be optimistic about Japanese equities in 2020. First, consider valuations. Whether on price-to-book or price-to-earnings, Japanese stocks are among the cheapest in all developed equity markets. Take the price-to-book ratio of the MSCI (...)

December 2019

Opinion Beneath the headlines: three stories that might surprise investors in 2020

Over the past twelve months, the US/China trade dispute has dominated headlines and commanded a considerable slice of the world’s attention. Yet, while any breakthrough would be significant for investors and positive for sentiment in Emerging Markets (EM), we think there are (...)

December 2019

Opinion Christine Lagarde already wants to change everything at the ECB

Christine Lagarde gave the outline of the strategic review that the ECB will carry out throughout the year 2020, starting in January. The ECB could therefore undergo profound changes under Christine Lagarde, especially with an increased consideration of the mega trends (...)

December 2019

Opinion We will always have scone and jam

The Daily Telegraph trumpets a landslide Conservative victory after the best results since 1987. With neither party popular, it is a testament to the appeal of the Labour Party. The Remainer vote is now fatally weakened. The consequence is that the hard-left firebrand, (...)

December 2019

Opinion 2020 – the year of excitement?

We are threatened with excitement in 2020, from civil unrest and ongoing trade wars to political upheaval and market volatility. We believe global economic expansion will continue at a slower, less even pace across (...)

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Opinion Despite fears about the Bitcoin ’bubble’ bursting, the price of the new digital coins is going through the roof

According to Daniele Bianchi, of Warwick Business School, is Assistant Professor of Finance and he researches crypto-currencies incluing Bitcoin, despite fears about the Bitcoin ’bubble’ bursting, the price of the new digital coins is going through the (...)


Opinion Bond bubble today and tomorrow ... Bond crash the day after tomorrow

Long-term rates that can not rise on short term, despite the abysmal public deficits ...


Opinion European Crisis: Historic turning point for the European and Global Economy ?

The 26 and 27 October European Summit was followed by a spectacular rise in the Markets. Does this mark the historic turning point as some analysts would have us believe or is it simply some extra time won?


Opinion Total Return Futures set for further growth as buy-side adoption increases

Eurex launched Total Return Futures (TRFs) in 2016 in response to growing demand for listed alternatives to total return swaps. Since then, the product has evolved into an instrument used by a wide variety of firms for multiple purposes, enabling firms to lock in financing (...)


Opinion Robots have taken power in finance

Describe the real world with numbers is a trend that seems to be accelerating. Thus, digital technology is associated with financial models to show that we (human) interact with our environment using mathematical (...)


Opinion Review of the chinese economy at the end of the summer of 2019

The monthly data published at the start of the second quarter are fairly mixed and show no tangible signs of growth momentum improving in China. The GDP published for the second quarter has recently confirmed this sentiment. The slowdown at work since the start of the decade (...)


Opinion Again and again the bank stress tests

Certainly it never ceases to write about the bank stress tests since it keeps getting more into banks; if proof were needed of the total lack of credibility of those made up to now


Opinion Is South Africa the Next Currency Crisis?

2018 has been marked by various emerging market crises. From Turkey to Argentina, confidence has eroded, resulting in bond and currency chaos. There is a growing focus on South Africa, and our analysis suggests that will (...)


Opinion End of an Era?

Do investors realize how good they’ve had it over the last 8+ years ? On the obvious side, the length and strength of the equity bull market has been well publicized. Since the March ’09 bottom, US equities are up over 300% (S&P 500®) while global equities are up over 200% (...)


Opinion After Modi’s landslide win, all eyes on what he does for the Indian economy

India’s Narendra Modi won a second term as Prime Minster after a landslide win in the general elections in the world’s largest democracy. Mr. Modi’s party BJP won a simple majority with almost 300 out of 542 seats in the Lok Sabha (India’s equivalent of the House of (...)


Opinion Gold, Mines & Natural Resources…a mixed 2017

Although the year was positive for natural resources overall, their performance lagged the global markets. 2018 could offer better prospects, an uptick in inflation being perhaps the best scenario for the theme.


Opinion Equity markets: two mistakes to avoid.

The negative news flow coming from financial markets does not mean we should give up. This article provides two small pieces of advice or rather two mistakes that must be avoided or that must never be repeated.


Opinion Bond yields are heading up

According to Christophe Donay, Chief Strategist at Pictet Wealth Management, Bond yields are heading up. The rebound in equity markets since the beginning of October, looks largely played out, with further gains dependant on a turnaround in earnings forecasts. Yields on DM (...)


Opinion Taking the Silk Road

The year of the goat, which has just begun, looks likely to herald a major push by China to establish a new “Silk Road”, the adoption of a new five-year plan to boost the country’s social and economic development and a pick-up in the pace of financial reform, according to Ross (...)


Opinion Anatomy of a dollar rally

In the era of Central Bank policy influence, we have become used to large shifts in the performance and trends of different currencies across time. For the better part of the past two years, the currency headlines have been dominated by a weakening US (...)


Opinion Psychology and smart beta

‘Smart beta’ sounds like an oxymoron. How smart can it be to continue using the same strategy in such fickle markets? A portfolio manager calling on all his skills (‘alpha’) in analysing market environments (the source of ‘beta’) should be able to outperform an unchanged (...)


Mory Doré’s column

Mory Doré’s views on monetary policy, asset allocation, financial management of banks and understanding of crises

Éclairages Économiques Notebook

The association Éclairages Économiques share with us analysis mostly relying on current research on various economics issues

Selection: Prospects

Regulation Regulatory prospects: 2012 and beyond

2009 was a year of intense reflection on the functioning of the financial sector. There followed an intense regulatory activity in 2010, unfortunately with few formal adoptions of regulations. 2011 marked the surge of the will to succeed with provisional schedules. Where do (...)

Reading An Economic Approach to Marriage

Marriages are not always very stable. A divorce rate of 50 % in developed countries serves to prove. We ask ourselves if it is possible to form stable relationships. An economic analysis may be able to answer this (...)

Note Aging population poses new opportunities for global investment managers

Early conclusions from ongoing SimCorp StrategyLab research point to demographic changes as a key factor influencing the future of the global investment management industry.

Note Launch of green bonds

The term «Green Bonds» is more frequently used to describe a market that should mature very fast in order to deal with numerous requests for investments in the field of green infrastructure projects.

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Opinion Silver squeeze: What’s behind the surge in silver?
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