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April 2023

Interview Emmanuel Brutin : “We have chosen to move towards a 100% ESG allocation”

Emmanuel Brutin, Head of Insured Portfolio Management at CNP Assurances, indicates that over the course of 2022, the insurer has repositioned itself on bond products in order to benefit from the upward trend in interest (...)


Tammie Tang and Simon Bond : “Investors in the fund are those interested in enabling positive social outcomes”


Carole Zacchéo : “The war will strengthen the interest of investors and savers for the ESG theme”


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April 2013

Interview Philippe Goubeault : « We could replace a benchmarked fund by a ’Smart Beta’ index »

According to Philippe Goubeault, CFO of Agirc Arrco, ’Smart Beta’ strategies can already be part of the asset allocation program of Agirc and Arrco even if their current weight in existing portfolios is not significant (...)

April 2013

Interview Philip Tindall : « We see further development of non-market cap approaches in bonds »

According to Philip Tindall, senior investment consultant at Towers Watson, there has been a lot of interest in smart betas area, and investors are beginning to allocate assets - Towers Watson’s clients have invested more than (...)

April 2013

Interview François Millet: « In some Dutch pension funds, ’Smart Beta’ indices exceed 40% of their core portfolio »

According to François Millet, Product Line Manager ETF & Indexing at Lyxor Asset Management, "Smart Beta" is intended to be located in the core portfolio of institutional investors, weighing generally between 10% and 40% of their passive (...)

December 2012

Interview François Lhabitant : «We have received dozens of proposals but only one long / short manager passed our selection ! »

Established in 2001, Kedge Capital manages the assets of the Bertarelli family. The company invests successfully nearly $ 6 billion in hedge funds, for a net return of 6.7% annually since its inception...

December 2012

Interview Cyrille Collet: « If the systematic model is the heart of our process, our quantitative equity portfolio management advocates expertise of managers»

We believe that the best way to structure an investment strategy is an approach combining systematic quantitative analysis and critical analysis of the manager. A strong belief in CPR AM we call as "quantitative human (...)

December 2012

Interview Nicolas Duban & Jérôme Coirier : « This year, among the 70 reviewed projects, a significant number is related to quantitative asset management companies »

According to Nicolas Duban and Jérôme Coirier, Chairman and CEO of NEXT-AM, subsidiary of La Française AM, managing minority interests of the Group, associated with investment partners, some projects could be in the pipeline, in the near (...)

December 2012

Interview Alain Albizzati: "It is necessary to bring more transparency to the process of quantitative fund management"

According to Alain Albizzati, Head of Alternative Investments and Structured Products at Lazard Frères Gestion, private investors and institutional investors do not have the means to perform very advanced "due diligence,", and focus on local and recognized management (...)

November 2012

Interview Aymeric Poizot : « The best multi-asset funds managers are often those who developed a fundamental allocation in the bond market or used quantitative models as tools for decision support»

According to Aymeric Poizot, Head of EMEA Fund & Asset Manager Rating Group at Fitch, multi-asset funds remain relevant in the current context, whether for an institutional investor or a private investor…

November 2012

Interview Kevin Loo : «The FF Global Strategic Bond Fund has received a growing interest from investors wanting to overcome the benchmark related risks.»

Flexible asset allocation process, strategic and tactical allocation...Kevin Loo, Global Fixed Income Product Manager at Fidelity tells us about the operation and objectives of the FF Global Strategic Bond Fund...

October 2012

Interview Philippe Mills : « This year, half of the net buyers of French debt come from Asia and the Middle East »

What is the role of the French Treasury Agency (AFT)? Who holds the French debt? How are OAT and BTF issues conducted? Philip Mills, CEO of the French Treasury Agency answers Next Finance questions...

September 2012

Interview Cyril Regnat: « Several institutional investors continue to buy French Treasury Bills»

French bonds Bubble, management strategy of the French Treasury Agency, inflation risk for long-term bondholders, Cyril Regnat, interest rate strategist at Natixis answers to Next Finance questions ...

August 2012

Interview Florence Marty and Olivier Hakim : « Our strategy is based on the dynamism of emerging countries without local currency volatility »

Management philosophy, sectoral and geographical distribution, growth in emerging countries ... Florence Marty and Olivier Hakim, portfolio managers at LBPAM Actions Euro Focus Emergent reveals the strategy of the fund performing 13.80% at end June (...)

April 2012

Interview Jean Louis Monnier : « There is a very practical demonstration of the decorrelation of the ILS market »

According to Jean Louis Monnier, head of European ILS at Swiss Re, direct investment in Insurance Linked Securities is a market reserved to qualified institutional investors which manage a minimum of 100 million dollars and which have the ability to evaluate the risk (...)

March 2012

Interview Alain Dib : « Investor demand for convertible bonds is strong »

According to Alain Dib, Global Head of Equity-Linked business at BNP Paribas, the appetite for convertible bonds is greater than the available supply, currently proposed by issuers

February 2012

Interview Philippe Desfossés : « Our SRI approach has two advantages, the absence of sectorial bias and investment in all sectors »

Philip Desfossés, Director of ERAFP (Establishment of additional retirement of civil servants), the first French public pension funds, introduces their 100% SRI management and their Best In Class approach ...

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Interview Philippe Mills : « This year, half of the net buyers of French debt come from Asia and the Middle East »

What is the role of the French Treasury Agency (AFT)? Who holds the French debt? How are OAT and BTF issues conducted? Philip Mills, CEO of the French Treasury Agency answers Next Finance questions...


Interview Sabine Castellan Poquet : “To respect the ’Paris Agreements’, we will have to achieve carbon neutrality of our portfolios by 2050 at the latest”

According to Sabine Castellan Poquet, Investment Director Macif - Aema group, interest rise increase, a consequence of this resurgence of inflation, is rather positive for life insurers who are structural bond (...)


Interview Françoise Neige and Aurélie Jaclot : « a major cultural change encourages women to manage their own wealth »

Be a bank that is committed to women is the goal of Pictet, the Swiss bank, which has launched an offer of wealth management dedicated specifically to women.


Interview Pieter Entius : « Eurex Market-on-Close (MOC) delivers a listed solution for basis trading »

Higher efficiency and less risk - Eurex Market-on-Close Futures are designed to deliver multiple benefits to a market that has so far been dominated by OTC trading. Pieter Entius, Head of Trading at Flow Traders, shares his insights what are the key drivers and benefits from (...)


Interview Baptiste Buisson : « We consider increasing the size of this type of investment (Absolute Performance UCITS) in the coming quarters »

According to Baptiste Buisson, Deputy Director at Aviva France, Investing in this type of support like Alternative Risk Premia allows players like Aviva France to diversify our investments.


Interview Bertrand Desportes, Mazars Partner: “Impact finance is based on the pillars of intentionality, additionality and impact measurement”

According to Bertrand Desportes, Partner at Mazars, the issues surrounding impact as well as the notion of positive impact measurement quite clearly differentiate impact finance from other sustainable finance practices.


Interview Jean-Philippe Médecin : “Solvency II did not lead to a significant decline in our equity exposures”

Jean-Philippe Médecin, funding and asset-liability management director within the CNP Assurances investment department and its team are increasingly integrating hedges to limit the effects of market drawdowns…


Interview Ryan Blute : “more than 90 percent of our assets managed on behalf of our European clients having outperformed their benchmark”

PIMCO sees opportunities in the French CGP market. Traditionally oriented towards institutions, the management company seems to adopt a new positioning. Ryan Blute, Head of Global Wealth Management EMEA at PIMCO explains this strategy on the French market (...)


Interview Kevin Loo : «The FF Global Strategic Bond Fund has received a growing interest from investors wanting to overcome the benchmark related risks.»

Flexible asset allocation process, strategic and tactical allocation...Kevin Loo, Global Fixed Income Product Manager at Fidelity tells us about the operation and objectives of the FF Global Strategic Bond Fund...


Interview Dr Damiano Brigo: «Hybrid products and models will become paramount in the immediate future»

Interview with Dr Damiano Brigo, Head of Credit Models at Banca IMI in Milan and co-author of the best-seller « Interest-Rate Models: Theory and Practice ».


Interview Jad Comair : « We have much more interesting entry points to our dividend Futures strategies than those of our competitors in other asset classes »

Spin-off of the trading department of Société Générale, Jad Comair and his team have created Melanion Capital in order to provide investors with a new source of return on an innovative asset class , dividend Futures.


Interview Thaddée Tyl : « I would invest in an entrepreneurial management company rather than a fund owned by a large group!»

Thaddée Tyl, president of Rivoli Fund Management, is strongly advocating entrepreneurial management firms as they show more management team stability...


Interview Loïc Guilloux: «The IPD is the only vehicle to take a short position on the housing market»»

Swaps and dérivatives on real estate, what are the prospects of this new market ? The Merryl Lynch Managing Director Loic Guilloux, head of Fixed Income, Currencies & Commodities in France, provides answers...


Interview Nassim Taleb « portfolio theory: it’s a bit what astrology was to our ancestors »

Empirica LLC founder and author of best seller Fooled by Randomness, Nassim Taleb, answered the questions of Next-finance in an exclusive interview.


Interview Olivier Pleasant : "With Ecofi Enjeux Futurs, we want to invest in growth over the next decades"

According to Ecofi Investments "Meeting the actual needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" is the challenge of sustainable development, and the philosophy that we wanted to use when we set up this (...)


Interview Isabelle Bourcier : “Our ambitions is to grow in Smart Beta and SRI ETFs”

Evolution of the ETF market, impact of the regulations, ongoing development at BNP Paribas Asset Management...Isabelle Bourcier, Head of quantitative and index management at BNP Paribas Asset Management shares its view with (...)

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FR Interview Christian Carrega : « Dans le cas du contrat d’assurance Préfon-Retraite, les décisions d’investissements respectent un filtre ISR »
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