Stoxx Ltd

About STOXX Limited

STOXX Ltd. is a global index provider, currently calculating a global, comprehensive index family of over 6,000 strictly rules-based and transparent indices. Best known for the leading European equity indices EURO STOXX 50, STOXX Europe 50 and STOXX Europe 600, STOXX Ltd. maintains and calculates the STOXX Global index family which consists of total market, broad and blue-chip indices for the regions Americas, Europe, Asia/Pacific and sub-regions Latin America and BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) as well as global markets.

To provide market participants with optimal transparency, STOXX indices are classified into three categories. Regular “STOXX” indices include all standard, theme and strategy indices that are part of STOXX’s integrated index family and follow a strict rules-based methodology. The “iSTOXX” brand typically comprises less standardized index concepts that are not integrated in the STOXX Global index family, but are nevertheless strictly rules-based. While indices that are branded “STOXX” and “iSTOXX” are developed by STOXX for a broad range of market participants, the “STOXX Customized” brand covers indices that are specifically developed for clients and do not carry the STOXX brand in the index name.

STOXX indices are licensed to more than 500 companies around the world as underlyings for Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), futures and options, structured products and passively managed investment funds. Three of the top ETFs in Europe and 30% of all assets under management are based on STOXX indices. STOXX Ltd. holds Europe’s number one and the world’s number three position in the derivatives segment.


Acteurs de la Place STOXX Limited, a global index provider

Best known for the leading European equity indices EURO STOXX 50, STOXX Europe 50 and STOXX Europe 600, STOXX Ltd. maintains and calculates the STOXX Global index family which consists of total market, broad and blue-chip indices for the regions Americas, Europe, (...)

Décembre 2014

Note Construire des portefeuilles de « Minimum Variance » offrant un faible niveau de risque, des « drawdowns » limités et des performances élevées

Ce document fournit une introduction aux indices STOXX "Minimum Variance", à travers un aperçu de l’investissement "Minimum Variance", la méthodologie de construction et de suivi de ces indices et l’usage que peuvent en faire les (...)

Juin 2011

Innovation Stoxx lance une version couverte du risque de change de son indice de réference européen

Stoxx Limited a récemment introduit l’indice Stoxx Europe 600 Hedge EUR. Ce nouvel indice a été concu pour les investisseurs soucieux d’avoir une exposition à l’indice Stoxx Europe 600 tout en limitant les fluctuations liées aux mouvements des (...)

Mai 2010

Innovation STOXX Ltd. Index lance un indice « chrétien compatible » pour la région européenne !

Ce nouvel indice mesure la performance des entreprises sélectionnées à partir de l’Europe Stoxx 600 en fonction des valeurs et des principes de la religion chrétienne...

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