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All the articles related to Equity asset class


April 2020

Opinion Fast-moving valuation case prompts Japan downgrade

The old adage “money makes the world go round” has never rung so true. In the investment world, money translates into corporate earnings and cash flows, which analysts have used for years to value companies.

April 2020

Opinion Dividends in a crisis

Dividends have gone into lockdown. As the world attempts to control the spread of coronavirus, companies are slashing or foregoing their dividends globally in an effort to shore up their capital. In Europe, the European Central Bank (ECB) has taken it a step further, (...)

March 2020

Opinion Bomb doors open

What impact could helicopter money have on the US economy? Charles Hepworth, Investment Director, GAM Investments assesses the ever-evolving situation.

March 2020

Regulation ESMA requires net short position holders to report positions of 0.1% and above

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has issued a decision temporarily requiring the holders of net short positions in shares traded on a European Union (EU) regulated market to notify the relevant national competent authority (NCA) if the position reaches or (...)

February 2020

Opinion Europe’s untapped payments potential

In the first of a new regular series of insight pieces looking at the key trends, themes and opportunities in the financial technology sector, Guy de Blonay, manager of the Jupiter Financial Innovation Fund, says the domination of banks in the European payments space is set (...)

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