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French Market

French marketplace articles


September 2011

Regulation Financial transactions taxation is applicable to France

According to the firm 99 Partners Advisory, it is possible, from now, to put in place a tax on financial transactions,

September 2011

News USD funding, money market freeze, pheripheral sovereign debt...answers from BNP Paribas

Amongst the three French banks under pressure, only BNP Paribas has played the card of full transparency ...

September 2011

News BNP Paribas denies having trouble obtaining USD funding

BNP Paribas categorically denies the statements made by a certain anonymous BNP Paribas executive who states that the bank has a liquidity problem in dollars and is participating in the creation of a market in euros to solve the (...)

September 2011

People Moves Layoffs at Société Générale: a hidden redundancy plan?

That’s the question unions have been facing after the sharp increase in layoffs made by the investment bank this summer...

August 2011

Regulation AMF renews the short selling ban on financial sector

The Board of the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) renews the ban on taking net short positions in French securities of the financial sector

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