Natixis Asset Management

Natixis Asset Management est l’expert européen de Natixis Global Asset Management. Basée a Paris, elle se place aux touts premiers rangs des gestionnaires d’actifs européens avec 301 Md € sous gestion et près de 630 collaborateurs au 30 septembre 2009. Natixis Asset Management propose aux investisseurs institutionnels, entreprises, distributeurs et réseaux bancaires une gamme complète de produits et de solutions d’investissement, toutes classes d’actifs confondues. Pionnière reconnu avec plus de 25 ans d’expérience, Natixis Asset Management est également, de par ses encours, un des leaders de la gestion ISR en France et en Europe


January 2018

Opinion End of an Era?

Do investors realize how good they’ve had it over the last 8+ years ? On the obvious side, the length and strength of the equity bull market has been well publicized. Since the March ’09 bottom, US equities are up over 300% (S&P 500®) while global equities are up over 200% (...)

January 2018

Opinion The 10 biggest risks for 2018

The outlooks for 2018 are relatively optimistic, nonetheless, in the interest of a balanced view, Esty Dwek Roditi, Invesment Specialist at Natixis Investment Managers presents the 10 biggest risks for 2018.

January 2018

News Seeyond becomes an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers

Seeyond was until now the quantitative investment division of Natixis Asset Management, itself an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers. Seeyond aims to double its assets under management by 2021 and expands its global (...)

January 2018

News Natixis announces the closing of a European CLO for a total of €308.4 million, structured and marketed by Corporate & Investment Banking and managed by NAM

Against the backdrop of investors’ current quest for yield and alternative solutions that offer diversification, Natixis announces the closing of European CLO (Collateralized Loan Obligation) Purple Finance CLO 1 for a total of €308.4 (...)

January 2018

Strategy Asset allocation: American vertigo

November’s leading indicators show a fresh short-term acceleration in the world economy beyond the 4% mark. This growth pace is well above potential (3.5%) and should lead to renewed inflation and validate the tougher stance on monetary policy across most developed (...)

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