Henderson Global Investors

Fondé en 1934, Henderson Global Investors est un des acteurs majeurs de la gestion d’actifs en Europe et offre une large gamme de produits d’investissement et de services à ses clients institutionnels en Asie, Europe et aux Etats-Unis. Gestionnaire d’actifs indépendant et coté sur les bourses de Sydney et de Londres, Henderson gère environ 62,2 milliards d’Euros d’encours au 30 juin 2009 et emploie plus de 900 collaborateurs à travers le monde. Nos équipes de gestion investissent dans les principaux marchés mondiaux et sur toutes les classes d’actifs : action, obligation, immobilier direct et indirect, capital investissement, gestion éthique, CDO et Hedge Funds. Henderson se distingue plus particulièrement par sa gestion active, une expertise éprouvée en gestion alternative ainsi qu’un savoir-faire reconnu en investissement socialement responsable.


November 2018

Opinion US Mid Terms - Nothing really to see here

According to Nick Watson, Janus Henderson multi-asset team, from a markets perspective, Trump’s ability to provide the US economy and markets with further levels of stimulus and acceleration are likely to be constrained over the next two (...)

November 2018

Opinion Brexit update – the end of the beginning

Multiple sources suggest that UK and EU negotiators have reached a draft agreement on Britain’s terms for leaving the EU (the withdrawal agreement) including backstop mechanisms designed to ensure that Brexit does not create a hard border in Northern (...)

March 2018

Opinion The ECB managed to deliver both a hawkish shift, and maintain a dovish stance

According to Andrew Mulliner, Portfolio Manager, Janus Henderson Investors Fixed Income Investment Strategy Group, the ECB managed to deliver both a hawkish shift, and maintain a dovish stance, at its meeting this (...)

February 2018

Opinion The fastest growing of these mega caps were Amazon and Facebook

Technology stocks have continued to outpace broader equity markets in 2018. Together Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft have a market cap value of $3.6 trillion and a net cash balance of just over $365bn. These quarterly earnings reports epitomise a virtuous (...)

October 2017

Opinion Japan Elections: What an Abe victory means

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Japan has emerged victorious in Japan’s October 2017 lower house snap election. The result exceeded expectations. On its own, Abe’s LDP secured more than half the number of lower house seats. As a coalition, (...)

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