Henderson Global Investors

Fondé en 1934, Henderson Global Investors est un des acteurs majeurs de la gestion d’actifs en Europe et offre une large gamme de produits d’investissement et de services à ses clients institutionnels en Asie, Europe et aux Etats-Unis. Gestionnaire d’actifs indépendant et coté sur les bourses de Sydney et de Londres, Henderson gère environ 62,2 milliards d’Euros d’encours au 30 juin 2009 et emploie plus de 900 collaborateurs à travers le monde. Nos équipes de gestion investissent dans les principaux marchés mondiaux et sur toutes les classes d’actifs : action, obligation, immobilier direct et indirect, capital investissement, gestion éthique, CDO et Hedge Funds. Henderson se distingue plus particulièrement par sa gestion active, une expertise éprouvée en gestion alternative ainsi qu’un savoir-faire reconnu en investissement socialement responsable.


May 2017

People Moves Henderson Global Investors hires Steve Weeple into global growth team

Henderson Global Investors has hired Steve Weeple into the global growth equities team led by Ian Warmerdam. The team is based in Edinburgh, Scotland, and Steve joins as a portfolio manager.

December 2016

Opinion 2017 outlook: China equities

Charlie Awdry, China portfolio manager, shares his views on the prospects for Chinese stocks in 2017. He believes the focus on high quality growth companies exposed to long-term consumer trends and cyclical value stocks places his portfolios in good stead to deliver (...)

December 2016

Opinion Asian Dividend Income: cautiously optimistic in 2017

Michael Kerley and Sat Duhra, Co-Managers of the Henderson Asian Dividend Income Strategy, provide their outlook for 2017. While macro events will continue to dominate markets, Asia’s strong potential for dividend growth remains the key reason why investors should remain (...)

December 2016

Strategy Why the ‘value’ shift favours Europe

John Bennett, Head of European Equities, shares his outlook for 2017. He sees the potential for a continued rotation from a growth to a value-driven market as the key factor for European equity investors next year. While he maintains an overall bullish outlook, John (...)

December 2016

Strategy European equities in 2017: the contrarian’s first choice?

According to Tim Stevenson, Director of European Equities at Henderson, 2017 will be an intriguing year. My expectation is that Europe will not self-destruct, but instead become a haven of stability while the UK tries to figure out what Brexit means (the UK Prime Minister’s (...)

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