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GP - Immobilier

Wealth management’s articles related to real estate


March 2012

Real Estate Real Estate : Will insurance companies come to the aid of investors ?

According to Wragge and Co, at the time when tightening of prudential ratios and the imminent maturity of the debt wall to be refinanced, banks are reducing the size of their balance sheets, and certain insurance companies are considering the possibility of purchasing (...)

July 2011

Note Real estate: Attempting to explain the increase in prices.

The situation appears to be a paradox. France is just coming out of a crisis but real estate prices have sharply increased during the previous months and have only slightly decreased at the height of the crisis. How can this phenomenon be (...)

April 2011

Note Trying to assess the Cajas’ mess

The real estate bubble was huge and now Spanish banks are in a mess. Two questions come to mind: why does this comes into the spotlight so late ? what is the exact size of the mess and what is the possible impact of a full stress scenario on financial markets (...)

November 2010

Opinion Shedding some light on scandal hitting the US mortgage market

Much has been said and written about ‘Foreclosure-gate’ – a scandal hitting the US mortgage market. While some of the information accurately assesses the topic, much of what has been written has been naïve, uninformed or just plain (...)

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