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All the articles related to economics


November 2020

Opinion More Volatility, Questions About Stimulus

Talib Sheikh, Head of Strategy, Multi-Asset, comments on the implications of a too-close-to-call U.S. election, and what the clarity of a Trump or a Biden win might mean.

October 2020

Opinion Investing through the US election

It’s a mug’s game to try to predict the outcome of a US election, suffice to say, that at the time of writing, conviction is building among pollsters and investors that Biden has a large enough lead to secure a victory.

October 2020

Video Market update October 2020 - Cyrille Geneslay: "We are maintaining a cautious bias in all portfolios"

Cyrille Geneslay, fund manager at CPR Asset Management, indicates that he has reduced his equity exposure to 32% in the CPR Croissance Réactive fund. It also maintained a preponderant bias on the American markets while reducing its overall exposure to the American markets (...)

October 2020

Opinion Pandemic poised to accelerate underlying trends

We now have a two-speed economy, and much talk about a disconnect between stock market and economy. But this won’t change our research and stock picking focus

August 2020

Opinion European financials: reaching an inflection point

Despite a challenging first half of the year, Atlanticomnium’s Romain Miginiac says European banks and insurers have shown resilience and balance sheets remain rock solid. Meanwhile, pressure on the sector is gradually (...)

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