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Doré Mory

Tuesday January 18,2011,

Mory Doré is currently Head of Financial Risks Department, Caisse d’épargne LDA, BPCE Group


Diploma of Statistician Economist, Ecole Nationale de la Statistique, June 1988
Advanced skills in econometrics, macroeconomics and financial Actuarial


Financial market professional active for over 20 years in various functions within two major banking groups

Banque NSM, ABN AMRO Group (1988-1998)
-  Market economist
-  Interest Rate Derivatives Trader

Caisse d’Epargne LDA, Groupe CAISSE D’EPARGNE (since 1998)
- Treasury Manager (1998-2005)
- Head of Financial Management: Cash, ALM, network product pricing, financial engineering (2005-2009)
- Head of Financial Risks Department (ALM, balance sheet risks, counterparty risks, driving capital allocation) (since 2009)


-  Key advisor on financial and risk management for various financial institutions and bodies: Auditors, Banque de France and Banking Commission, Audit committees and Work councils

-  Driving training sessions and lectures on macroeconomics and finance for various profiles: headquarter and network employees, customers...

-  Active participation in CNCE-BPCE working groups, as part of the stimulation of the Group’s financial management (2005-2008) and also as part of the development of a single global risk framework for Caisse d’épargne and Banque populaire (2008-2010)


-  Master Banque-Finance IAE of Grenoble (Valence’s site) : Teaching control of banking risks, financial risk coverage, Quantitative Methods
-  Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne : teaching ALM et banking mangement
-  Seminars on managing the balance sheet at SFAF (French Financial Analyst Association)


-  Analyst and regular columnist of Next Finance amongst others
-  Animation of a personal blog

Blog’s description: sharing analysis and comments on the following fields
1/ Monetary policy: central banks monetary policies and marcoeconomic situation
2/ Asset allocation on financial markets : role of fundamentals, investor behavior, regulatory and prudential changes.....
3/ Understanding the source of financial crisis and the mechanisms behind.
4/ Constraints and objectives of financial management in a bank.

Hoping to make people understand that the world and its paradigm have definitely changed and it is time to reaffirm the historic opportunity we have to redefine the true Finance
- the one that shall finance the economy at the best cost ;
- the one that can ensure that savings surpluses are reused in the most productive way;
- the one that enable economic agents to cover their financial risks (interest rate, credit, forex, stocks ...) under the best liquidity conditions

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