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October 2011

Opinion European Crisis: Historic turning point for the European and Global Economy ?

The 26 and 27 October European Summit was followed by a spectacular rise in the Markets. Does this mark the historic turning point as some analysts would have us believe or is it simply some extra time won?

October 2011

Note Survey: European investors are optimistic for the future of the Euro

It emerges from an poll, conducted by the Global Alliance of Investors, dealing with institutional investors in Europe, that 80% of those questioned, believe in the ability of the euro to cope with current challenges. British investors are less (...)

October 2011

Opinion The Financial Crisis 2008 - 2011 : repetitions

We have exhausted our recourse to borrowing. Other ways must be found if we want to avoid general bankruptcy

October 2011

Opinion The four potential scenarios to the Eurozone crisis

Mike Story, economist at Western Asset Management, analyses the outcome of the four potential scenarios to the Eurozone crisis: no Eurozone restructuring, orderly Eurozone restructuring, disorderly Eurozone restructuring or Eurozone (...)

September 2011

News Crédit Agricole strengthens balance sheets.

In a message to investors, Crédit Agricole has presented its new strategy in a context marked by the lack of confidence of markets in European banks. The group is adjusting to this new operating environment.

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